For a moment, I study this beautiful ice queen’s face, and all the reasons my fifteen year-old infatuation didn’t survive into maturity are clear. Lara and I have never spoken the same language.

“If we’re going to stay relevant, we need to meet people outside our insulated group.”

“Stay relevant?” Her mocking laugh irritates me. “We’re relevant because of who we are, Rowan. We are Monagasco. Our country has existed for eight hundred years! We’re legendary.”

“I haven’t existed for eight hundred years. It’s important for our leaders to keep up with the times. Can you not understand that?”

She rolls her eyes and does a little wave. “You have always had peculiar notions, Rowan. It’s because you read too much.”

“Is that so?” I might have had too much wine when I let her go down on me before, but I won’t be duplicating that mistake.

“Stick with what works.” She glances to where Cal is making some joke, doing his best to distract Ava. “Shall I expect you to call me about the gala?”

“I’m pretty confident I already have an escort.”

That earns me a glare. “Then I suppose I should take my leave. Good afternoon, Rowan. Enjoy your dinner.”

Lara strides away, but Felicity lingers a moment longer. “She’s furious. Nice work.”

“It wasn’t intentional.”

Felicity does a little wave in Cal’s direction. “Is this for show or are you being serious?”

Her blunt style relaxes me. “I hope it becomes very serious.”

“But she’s not wealthy or connected,” Felicity’s thin lips grow even thinner as she presses them down. “And now you’re racing again.”

“What of it?” I’m curious as to what she might say.

She only holds up both hands. “I’m on your side. It’s the old guard you have to appease. They’re only happy making us young ones suffer through the same rules and regulations that made them miserable when they were our age.”

“I’m not interested in appeasing anyone.” It’s not entirely true, considering how hard I’ve been working to make peace since Hummergate.

“Clearly,” Felicity laughs. “So… Need another member for your pit crew?”

“Have you ever been on a pit crew?”

“No.” Her smile fades, and I shake my head.

“It’s a brutal course. I’ll need an experienced team.”

“You’re right.” Felicity nods, and for a moment, we’re quiet.

It gives me a second to remember that night at the ball and how she rescued me from the barrage of single females of a certain age. I do owe her one.

“Tell you what. I’ll get you a pass so you can come down, hang with the guys, watch the race up close.”

Her eyes light. “Thanks! You’re amazing!” She does a little clap. “And I’ll look out for your new lady. Lord knows she’ll need a buffer in this crowd.”

“You’re a sport.” I pat her shoulder and take a step toward the bar.

“I’m betting on you, Rowan Westringham Tate,” she calls. “Don’t get killed.”

“I don’t intend to.”

With a little salute, she’s gone, and I continue to where Ava stands with Cal. He hands her a whiskey sour, and her expression isn’t as sunny as before. She’s not smiling, and I want to take her away from here where I can reassure her she’s the only female I want in my bed.

“Are we still waiting on Zelda?” I look to my brother.