“Why are you so distracted?”

His brow quirks, and he shifts in the seat, sliding his palms down his thighs. “Rode over to Longines this morning. That gelding has to be put down.”


“He never fully recovered from his injury last fall. The vet says it’s getting worse. He’s in pain.”

Leaning forward, I touch his knee. “Sorry, brother.”

Cal shrugs. “He’s twenty-five. It’s time.”

“Still, he was your first horse.”

He leans back and polishes off his scotch. “I’ll try not to let it ruin the evening.”

We’re at the hotel, and I give him a tight smile before sliding forward. Hajib holds the door, and the moment I look out, I call back to Cal.

“We have to hustle.” A cadre of photographers is already swarming in our direction.

With a push off the plush leather, I’m across the space between the car and the front doors before they’re able to catch me. Cal is right on my heels. The doormen keep them outside while I step to the house phone and call our dates.

“They’re on the way down,” I say. Standing beside my brother, I look through the glass at the waiting paparazzi. I can almost see their fangs gleaming. “We should have planned an escape route. I didn’t expect them to be so interested.”

“The word’s out. You’re looking for a bride, and you’ve been spotted with the same woman three times now.”

“Zee?” I think about last night, me carrying her up from the shore in my arms, rotating her bare foot. “We need to flush out the rat at Occitan.”

“I couldn’t agree… more.” His unexpected stutter causes me to look up. His expression is stunned, and I turn to see the ladies exiting the lift.

My own stomach tightens at the sight. Ava is wearing a two-piece long black dress with a V-neck, midriff top. I can’t decide whether to focus on the soft swell of her breasts or her lined torso. Both are causing a sudden rush of blood from my head to my cock.

I have to tear my eyes away from her sexy body to greet Zelda, who’s leading the two. She’s equally stunning in a white dress that stops mid-thigh. Her toned legs are lined, and the bronze heels she wears are amazing. Her dress is cut out at the back, and almost appears two-piece as well, except for the small bit of fabric covering her stomach.

“Wow,” I meet Zelda in the middle and take her hand. “You both look very beautiful.”

She’s doing that thing again, where her eyes are fixed solely on me as if she’s trying not to see anyone or anything else. I don’t know what it means other than I can’t look at Ava.

“Thank you,” she takes my hand. “Always the perfect date.”

Ava makes a soft noise, and I take advantage of it to look in her direction. “I’m glad to see you’re feeling better.”

She blinks up at me, and once again, I’m hit with a jolt of emerald green. Her soft hair is pulled away from her face in a smooth sweep down her back, and her lips are a pale shade of pink. I must have her tonight. The thought stampedes in my brain.

“I can’t wait to see the casino,” Zelda says, taking my arm and breaking the moment. “I looked it up online, and it’s gorgeous! So historic.”

“It was built more than a century ago.” We walk slowly to the door, and I do my best to fight my irritation when Cal takes Ava’s arm. “It was one of our great-great grandmothers’ ideas.”

“The family was in financial ruin, and she saved us all by starting this massive enterprise,” Cal says.

Zelda tenses at his voice, and I glance down to catch a hint of pink in her cheeks. “It’s enormous.”

“That’s what she said,” my brother mutters behind us, and Ava laughs.

Zee doesn’t respond, but her cheeks redden more. “You said you like to play Baccarat? Is that like poker?”

“More like blackjack.” I pause at the hotel entrance. “I’m afraid we’ve attracted the paparazzi. We’ll have to dash to the car, but I’ll shield you from them.”

“It’s like running the gauntlet.” Zee mutters looking out at them.