Page 83 of Boss of Me

We step off the elevator into a modern, stainless steel and concrete interior. It’s all white with sparse furnishings. It seems to be the trend in West Coast design these days. Minimalistic, or monastic, depending on who you ask.

Jerry is alone when we enter the conference room, and Patton is immediately annoyed. “Where are the realtors?”

“They’re on the way. I figured this would give us time to chat about my promotion before you cut out early.”

My throat tightens, my eyes cut to Patton. Jerry’s trying to set him up, and even I know that’s a bad idea. Patton only gets fiercer when he feels cornered.

“Is that right?” Patton’s grin is relaxed, and he pulls out a chair, taking a seat. “You’ve decided you deserve a promotion?”

“As a matter of fact, I have. And I think you’re going to agree with me when you hear what I have to say.” Jerry’s smile is conniving, and my hands are clammy.

“Should I wait outside?” My voice is soft, and Patton gives me a reassuring smile.

“You’re fine. Have a seat.”

“Yes, please stay, Raquel. Some of this concerns you as well.” I don’t like the sound of that.

I pull out a chair at the other end of the table, closest to the door, and try to calm my galloping heart.

“Let’s hear what you have to say, Buckingham.” Patton leans forward, propping his forearms on the table. Black ink peeks out from the cuffs of his shirtsleeves, and it calms me slightly.

Patton is a badass devil. Renée told me so herself. I’m pretty sure he cares about me, and if anyone can handle a slime ball like Jerry it’s him. My stomach starts to unclench.

“First, let me be sure I’ve got my facts straight.” Jerry sits in the chair directly across from Patton, and even though I’m confident in my man, I don’t like how gleeful Jerry seems. “You’re promoting Miss Morgan here into Taron’s role as VP of client development. Is that right?”

Patton’s voice is level. “That’s right. She has the credentials, and she’s proven her ability in the office.”

“After only a few weeks, whereas I’ve been with Fletcher International five years, and I’ve been exiled to the farthest reaches of the country.”

Patton laughs, leaning back in his chair. “I’d hardly call heading up our West Coast division exile. Some people actually like it out here.”

“We’ve already had that conversation.” Jerry’s brow lowers, and I decide he might be a devil himself. Only not the tall, dark, and sexy kind like Patton.

Jerry’s the short, red, spiteful kind.

“I assume along with Miss Morgan’s promotion, she’ll be getting a salary increase and an increased share of the company, not to mention a stronger voice in our administrative meetings?”

“Of course.” Patton says it like it’s a given, and my eyebrows rise.

Wow. It all happened so fast, I haven’t really thought through all of the details of taking over Taron’s old job. Patton and I haven’t had the opportunity to discuss it. Now I wonder if it also means I’ll get one of those massive corner offices.

I’m starting to feel pretty good about myself until Jerry continues.

“You’re going to promote me to VP as well, and I expect to be paid a salary commiserate with my level of experience and the clients I’ve developed during my years with this firm.”

“Is this really how you’re going to handle this?” Patton’s voice is quiet calm.

I’m not saying a word.

Jerry smiles. “There’s nothing to handle. You’re going to give me what I deserve, or I’m going to go public about what’s happening behind the scenes at your father’s company.”

“What you deserve?” Patton’s jaw tightens and the small hairs on the back of my neck start to rise. “Fletcher International is my company. It’s a private company. Going public with anything will only make you look like a sore loser—and you lost to a woman. Is that the kind of limelight you want to have on you?”

“Limelight?” Jerry’s voice is dangerously calm. “Limelight…” He repeats the word in a way that makes my fingers tremble. “What about the kind of limelight that sweeps sexual assault under the rug? You bring up women, what about the kind of limelight that drives out aspiring young female employees to protect your friends?”

My throat tightens, and I feel like I’m having trouble breathing.

“Are you trying to blackmail me?” Patton’s voice is fierce. He’s the tiger, ready to maul.