Page 73 of Boss of Me

That seems generic enough.

“I’ll see you around.”

Sandra hops off the desk and follows him out. “I’ve got those forms you wanted…”

They’re gone, and I sink into my chair, my head spinning. I can’t imagine Patton is happy about Taron leaving, especially with Marley in such a fragile state. Still, Dubai is onboard. We’re in a really great position for me to figure out my place here.

Sandra has been on me like white on rice trying to figure out if Patton and I are more than just colleagues. I cannot let her find out I slept with him… repeatedly—especially not now that I’ve been promoted to Number 2. If that’s what I am.

I’m about to get back to work when my phone buzzes. “Rocky, I need to see you in my office.”

My stomach jumps. Patton sounds pissed, but he called me Rocky… that has to be a good sign, right? Picking up my phone, I walk down the short hall to his closed door, ignoring Sandra along the way.

Knocking softly, I open the door and step inside, closing it behind me. Patton’s in his chair with his back turned, looking out the window.

He doesn’t move, so I clear my throat, speaking quietly. “You wanted to see me?”

I hear him exhale, and he puts his foot on the floor, turning to face me. His eyes are on the papers on his desk, and I notice something new.

“You’re chewing gum?” Disbelief is in my tone.

For someone who despises all black, I can’t imagine chewing gum is acceptable behavior.

Dark eyes cut up to me, and he is not smiling. “It’s nicotine gum.”

I hold my expression steady even though my insides are doing a little happy dance. “Is it helping?”

“Not really.” He holds out a cream card with black calligraphy engraved on it.

I take it, quickly scanning the words of the invitation. “What’s this?”

“Big investor’s gala. They have it every year in New York. This year it’s in LA. I want you to go with me.”

Now my insides are really jumping. “But… Isn’t Jerry in LA?”

“Jerry can attend, but he’s not representing me. This is a very big event.”

“Okay.” I nod, studying the date… this Thursday. “Won’t the office be short-staffed if I go with you?”

“You’ll only be out two days. Anyway, I need you in case I need a translator.”

“If it’s a gala in LA, I’m sure everyone will speak English.”

“Are you saying you don’t want to go?”

Am I? I think about this a moment. I think about Sandra’s obsession with finding out what we’re doing. I think about our weekend in Pigeon Forge, and my toes curl. We came so far. We shared so much.

The answer is really easy. “I’d love to go. I just wanted to be sure—”

“We’ll leave Wednesday afternoon.” He lifts the cover of his laptop and starts to type. “I’ll RSVP for both of us.”

The muscle in his jaw moves as he types, and I hesitate before speaking. “I’m sorry.” Confused eyes look up at me. “About Taron. I know you must be unhappy he’s leaving, and I just… I’m sorry.”

He blinks back to his computer screen. “Taron is free to do what he wants.”

I’m sure he’s more upset than he’s showing, but I have to let him come to me in his own time.

With a nod, I start for the door when he stops me. “Are you staying at my place tonight?”