Page 106 of Boss of Me

Clearing my throat, I nod. “I didn’t know she had a breakdown. I’m sorry she did.”

“She says she didn’t. She says she’s never been happier in her life.” The tone of her voice matches the surprise I feel. “You really helped her. I didn’t believe how well she’s doing until I saw it in person.”

“I’m glad.” As I say the words, I realize how very much I mean them. “I’d like to see her. I’d like to tell her I’m sorry for what I said.”

“You would?” Her nose wrinkles as she looks up at me.


“That can be arranged.”

Watching her, I remember holding her in that waterfall, her body naked and warm against mine. I remember feeling like I’d found what I’d been missing.

I’ve got to try one last time to get her back.

“Before you left, you said you didn’t think I was cruel.” Looking down, I rub the back of my neck with my good hand. “A long time ago, I did want to help others. It blew up in my face. It ruined three lives, and I guess I shut down.”

I’ve never told anyone this—not even our assigned therapist.

“Because of what happened in the jungle?” Her voice is soft.

“Because of that… because of what happened after… I became so consumed with proving myself, proving I was as good or better than my dad. Pr

oving I wasn’t damaged.”

“You’re not the man I thought you were.” Our eyes meet, and hers are misty.

“You’re right.” I want to hold her. “I was pretty wretched until you came along. You saved me, Raquel. You make me a better man.”

I take a small step closer. “I’m in love with you.”

Her eyes are blue pools of water. She blinks, and two tears hit her cheeks. Another step, and I’m right in front of her. I reach up and gently cup her cheeks in my hands. She doesn’t pull away.

“I never thought I’d love anyone. I never cared about it until you walked into my life.” Her hands are on my chest, and she’s blinking quickly. “I’m no good without you. Will you give me a second chance to prove myself? I’ll never let you down again.”

It’s quiet, but the chemistry between us is so strong. Her lips are so soft, so appealing.

“Say something.” My voice is rough.

Her voice is soft and high. “I’ll ramble.”

That answer makes me smile. “At least I’ll know where I stand.”

She lowers her chin, and I let her step back. Clearing her throat, she adopts a professional tone. “I’m going to stay here. I decided to keep Taron’s old job if the offer is still on the table.”

“It is.”

She steps carefully around my office as she speaks, and I drink in her beautiful form, from the beige heels she’s wearing to the white jeans with rips in the knees to the cream sweater loose on her body. She’s gorgeous.

“I expect all those things Jerry was talking about—the raise, the ownership share, more of a voice in meetings…”

“Of course.”

“And I want a corner office.”

“Done.” I guess she knows I’m ready to give her anything. My cards are on the table.

She turns to face me, and her brow furrows. “You are different.”