Page 58 of One Insatiable

“Of course.” Slipping my hand in the crook of his arm, my smile doesn’t come naturally, so I force it. “It feels like we’ve been together so long, but we haven’t really.”

His large hand covers mine. “I never could have predicted any of this when I left Princeton, but I wouldn’t change it.”

“You wouldn’t?”

“Not the part about you and me.” He gives me a squeeze. “The rest of it—”

Stopping, I turn and face him on the sidewalk. “We won’t talk about it any more. Tonight is our first date. We only talk about us.”

He does a little nod. “Deal. Do you want to go back and change clothes?”

Looking down at my long black pants, yoga top, and jacket, I fasten the zipper and smooth my hands down the front. “Where did you want to go?”

“There’s a Duck place ahead.” He points up the sidewalk in the direction we’re headed.

“Pond and Duck?” I think they’ll let me in like this.

“You’re beautiful in anything.”

I shake my head. “You’re very good at the boyfriend lines.”

“It’s not a line.” His strong arm is around my shoulders again. “I’ve thought you were beautiful since the first night I saw you.”

“Naked in the moonlight?”

“Your birthday suit is by far my favorite outifit.”

I don’t know how, but he makes me smile. For a flicker of time, I feel light. We’re at the restaurant in the center of town, and he holds the heavy wooden door for me to enter. The hostess looks about my age. She’s dressed in all black with her red hair in a ponytail.

“Table for two?” She asks brightly, and I nod. “Inside or out?”

Glancing up at Koa, he quickly answers. “Inside.”

She nods and takes off toward the back of the restaurant. “I’m surprised. I thought you’d say out,” I whisper.

“Normally, I would, but I don’t want the moon to bring us down.”

My hand goes up. “Good idea, and that’s the last we’ll say about it.”

A sad little grin lifts the corner of his mouth. I have to look away fast before my heart breaks.

“Here you go!” The hostess stands beside a tall, wood-paneled booth. “Your server will be right with you.”

We’re just sliding across the slick leather benches into the cozy nook when a young man appears. “Water will be right out. Would you like anything to drink?”

Koa blinks at me a moment before looking up at the guy. “It’s our first date. I think we should start with champagne.”

“Congratulations! I’ll have it right out for you.”

“Really?” My nose wrinkles when the server disappears. “I’m not sure we should be celebrating.”

This time Koa holds up his hand. “You said tonight was about us.”

Pressing my lips together, I let my eyes travel over his beautiful face. His dark brow lowers over his green eyes, and his black hair is pushed back. He’s so powerful. I want to hide in his strong arms forever, forget the consequences.

“I would hold you forever if I could.”

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