Page 92 of Make Me Yours

Stephen doesn’t need to know everything.

“You were paying her for her time. Her time spent with your daughter.”

The distinction makes me cringe. I played right into their stupid accusations putting the extra cash in with her check. I thought I was being generous. Now I realize how it made her feel.

He makes an impatient growl. “Do you care about this woman or not?”

It’s such a straightforward question. I step back, walking to the balcony, looking down over the patio where she spent so many afternoons with Lillie. Every day, I’d step outside and watch them paint or work in the garden or sing songs or just blow bubbles. It soothed my soul to know she was there. It was like a part of me that was missing had been found.

“Yes.” It’s so easy. “It didn’t matter. I asked her to stay, and she still left.”

“Did you tell her you wanted her to stay?”

Now I make the impatient growl. “It’s the same thing. I asked her to stay.”

“It is not the same thing, and I’m sure you framed it as being for Lillie.”

“Of course, I mentioned Lillie.” Remorse flashes in my neck. How could she not understand how much I wanted her to stay?

A long sigh fills my ear. “If you want her to stay, tell her. If you care about her, ask her on a date, propose to her. Marry the girl. Whatever is in your heart. Just stop making it harder than it is.”

“That’s what she said.”


I can’t help it. It’s so easy.

“Thanks, man. I owe you.”

“Damn straight you do. Now go fucking get her and stop wasting my time.”

“Fuck off. I have a woman to claim.”

He chuckles and we disconnect the phone. I’m a problem-solver. Why didn’t I figure this out before now? Rubbing my chin, I’m stumped. What do I do with Lillie?



Drew sits beside me on the bed rubbing my back.

After unpacking all my things last night, I opened a bottle of wine, drank most of it, then crawled beneath my covers and fell asleep. I opened my eyes a few times once the sun came up, but all I want to do is stay under the covers and cry.

“He tried to pay me extra for New York. In cash.” I sniff, my chest squeezing with the ache of a broken heart.

“He didn’t say it meant more to him?” Drew is wearing church clothes, leaning against my headboard while I stay under the covers.

“He didn’t say anything,” I wail.

“Men are bastards.” She shoves a tissue under the blanket, and I take it to blow my nose. “Not you, honey.”

The way she says it makes me crawl a little higher and peep out. I see Grayson leaning against the doorjamb looking down. His hand is in his pocket, and he looks like something out of a men’s magazine.

“I didn’t know Gray was here.”

“We came straight over from church. Your mom was worried about you when you didn’t show up today.”

“I couldn’t sit in church with those bitches.” I sit up, wrapping my comforter around my shoulders. “They pretty much flat out called me a hooker.”