Page 84 of Make Me Yours

“Ketchup?” I collapse against the wall trying to get my heart started again.

“Thank the Lord… Lillian Alexandra, you almost gave me a heart attack!”

The sheets are a red-stained mess, and only then do I notice the three little white foil packets in the middle of the nightmare. Fucking ketchup?

“I don’t understand.” My voice is ragged. I feel like I’ve run a marathon. “How did she get them—”

Unfortunately, it’s at that very moment Eleanor sees what I’m wearing and seems to connect the dots. “Were you just…” She looks from me to the door then back at me again. “Did you just come from Ruby’s bedroom?”

“Eleanor, I can explain.”


Her hands go up in a halting motion, and she shakes her head violently. “No no no. This will not go on in my presence.”

“If you’ll just let me explain.” Actually, I’m not sure what I’m explaining. It’s my fucking house.

Her rant continues. “I will not live this way, Remington. I draw the line here. I will not live in a house of sin. If this is what goes on, we are going to have to find another deal. You cannot have sex with an employee.”

I hope the noise of the running faucet drowns out what she’s saying. Eleanor is ranting and storming around the room with her hands in the air.

Just then the water shuts off, and I hear Ruby speaking gently. “Stop crying now. Use that cloth and wash all the ketchup off your face. I’ll be back to wash your hair.”

She enters the room and goes to the dresser. She doesn’t even look at Eleanor, who’s now glaring holes in her back as if she were the Whore of Babylon.

“I’ll wash her hair then start these sheets first thing in the morning. She can sleep with me tonight.” Ruby holds up little girl panties and a nightgown. “Good thing we had a waterproof mattress cover on the bed. I’m afraid we’ll probably have to toss these. Ketchup stains never wash out…”

Her voice dies when she finally looks up and sees Eleanor’s glaring eyes about to pop out of her head.

Ruby looks from her to me. “What’s happening now?”

To her credit, my mother in law steps closer and lowers her voice. “Was Remington sleeping in your bedroom just now?”

Ruby’s mouth drops open, and her cheeks blaze red.

I’ve had enough of the theatrics. “That’s really none of your business. What Ruby and I do on our own time is our concern.”

Lillie’s grandmother stiffens her back, tugging on the front of her robe. “Ruby is your employee. She lives in this house. I will not have this… this… fornication going on just steps from my granddaughter.”

“Jesus, take the wheel.” Ruby exhales, putting her hands on her forehead. Her eyes squeeze shut, and she shakes her head rapidly. “You know what? You’re right, Eleanor. You’re absolutely right.”

“Wait, what?” I step forward, not liking this turn of events one bit. “Ruby, what are you saying?”

“I was going to tell you in New York, but we were having such a good time—”

My shoulders are tight. “Tell me what?”

“I put a deposit on a house. It’s right near the entrance of Oakville Estates, walking distance from here. Not that I would walk. Dagwood Magee’s aunt actually owns it, and she said I could move in as soon as I’m ready.”

“You’re moving out?” I feel my control slipping.

“Good.” Eleanor crosses her arms. “I’ll help you pack.”

“That won’t be necessary.” Ruby’s eyes are fire until she turns to me.

When her eyes meet mine, they change to pleading. “I can’t stay here, Remi. You know I’m right.”

She steps closer, putting her hand on my arm, and I’m ready to argue until I hear my daughter sniffling from the bathroom.