Page 79 of Make Me Yours

I wait as they exchange brief small talk, then we’re moving again. I can tell Remi’s focused on finding this tech guy Stellan.

“So Stephen is both?” I pick up where we left off before Mr. Old Guy interrupted us.

“Stephen likes to be the idea guy, start with his own inspiration then decide whether he wants to create it all himself or hire someone else to do the work. Then he and I and a small group of investors fund the final product.”

“He sounds really smart.”

“He’s the smartest guy I know—and trust me, he’s the first to say it. Stephen’s got a big brain, a big ego, and a big bank account.”

Squinting my eye up at him, I tease. “I take it he doesn’t play well with others.”

Again, I get that partial laugh. “Not in the slightest.”

We’re finally through the hall, and I see Stephen leaning with one elbow on a high-top table. He’s also in a tux, and his blue eyes are intense.

He’s actually very handsome, and I wonder why he doesn’t have a plus one tonight. I think I can guess. No one tells Stephen Hastings what to do.

Reaching for my arm, he passes me a glass of white wine as he moves me from Remi’s side to his. “Stellan’s just across the room by the bar. If you go now, I think you’ll have him all to yourself.”

I’m impressed by how slick that handoff was. Remi seems less eager to ditch me, which smooths my ruffled feathers.

Turning to face me, he touches my arm. “I don’t expect this to take very long. Will you be okay hanging with this asshole for a few minutes? I promise to make it up to you.”

Pressing my lips into a smile, I step forward to kiss his cheek. “Break a leg.”

His hands catch my waist, holding me before I return to Stephen’s side. “Thank you for being here.”

He speaks into my ear before giving me a quick kiss that lights a fire all through my insides.

When he releases me, he grips Stephen’s arm. “Keep an eye on her.”

“She’ll be safe as the crown jewels.”

With that he’s gone, and I turn to face the piercing blue eyes of my guard. “I see you’ve graduated from assistant to… something more fun.”

Heat floods my cheeks, and I wish my face didn’t betray how flustered I get. “I was never his assistant.”

“You don’t say.” Stephen’s voice sounds bored. I slant my eyes at him, and he takes a sip of what I assume is vodka. “So you slept with him.”

He catches me mid-sip, and I almost choke on my wine. “You don’t beat around the bush, do you?”

“What’s the point?” He half-heartedly pats me on the back. It’s okay. I’m not coughing much. “We’re all adults here. Don’t act like you’re shocked.”

“I’m not shocked.” I shrug my shoulder. “I guess I’m used to people being a l

ittle subtler with their digs.”

“It wasn’t a dig.” He eyes me up and down. “I appreciate you bringing him out of retirement. Remi was too young to lay down and die like he almost did.”

“I really don’t know what you mean.” My voice is quiet as I take a sip of wine. It pains my heart to think of Remi wanting to die. “We’ve only known each other about a month. Less than a month, actually.”

“So how’d you meet? Are you in tech?”

Inwardly, I cringe. I’m not sure how this confession is going to play out. “He hired me to be the nanny.” That sounds wrong. “To be Lillie’s nanny.”

Stephen chortles… yes, he literally chortles. “Classic. Remington’s sleeping with the nanny.”

The way he says it irritates me—probably because it’s the way I expect everyone to say it. “I only took the job to help him out. He was having some sort of conflict with his mother-in-law. It was very frustrating to him.”