Page 86 of Make Me Yours

I step around him to look at the white sheets covered in tiny drawings of a mermaid princess riding a unicorn.

“I’d hate for her to lose these. Do you remember where you got them? Maybe I could order her some more.”

“No clue. I can check with Eleanor.”

Glancing up at the clock, I pat his shoulder. “Let me know. I’ve got to take off or she’ll be late for school. Just leave these. I’ll tend to them when I get back. Maybe bleach will work.”

Lillie is buckled in her booster chair in the backseat, and she sings all the way to school. I glance at her happy face in the mirror and shake my head thinking how quickly trouble

is forgotten when you’re four. I bypass the car line like always, parking instead in the lot and sweeping her out of the backseat.

Today I’m wearing a calf-length tweed skirt with a black tee that says “What’s Your Dream?” in white on the front. My hair is wrapped in a messy, low bun, and I carry Lillie’s backpack along with my square leather purse on my arm. Executive nanny.

I’m surprised to see a cluster of moms in the hall outside Terry’s class today. It’s Friday, and I try to remember if the kids have a party I forgot… I don’t remember anything, but it is the first day I’ve been here since Monday.

Shit. I chew my lip, hoping I haven’t forgotten to bring something.

“Well, look who’s back from the big city.” Serena’s voice is sharp as glass, but I don’t acknowledge her.

Leaning down, I give Lillie a hug and a kiss before sending her into class. “Say hi to purple monster number four for me.”

She takes off running. I hang her little backpack on a hook inside the door and give her teacher a wave before heading back into the hall where the bitch patrol is waiting.

Serena stands expectantly after her jab. I don’t know what she’s getting at with her statement or how she even knows where I was, and I’m not interested in finding out.

“Good morning, Serena.” I speak quickly, doing my best to make my way around them and not engage.

“I noticed Eleanor bringing Lillie to school these last few days. I thought you’d finally turned in your resignation. Seems I was wrong.” Her tone is like nails on a chalkboard. “Seems somebody got herself a promotion.”

“I accompanied Remi on a business trip, not that it’s any of your concern. He needed a plus one.”

“Is that what they’re calling it these days?” Anita Flagstaff places her hand on her chest—I’m sure to put her Birkin bag on full display. “Seems not too long ago they simply called it an escort.”

“I suppose it’s the same deal. He pays her. She provides the service.” Serena turns her back to me, but she’s speaking loud enough for me to hear. “If Phillip thinks he’s hiring a nanny like that, he’s got another thing coming.”

Sarcasm drips from her tone when she says the words, and a bitter taste fills my mouth. My throat goes dry, and I’m worried I might gag. For the first time, instead of blushing beet red, I feel the blood rushing from my face, as if a spotlight was shined straight on me, and I was standing in front of them all butt naked.

I don’t speak. I simply walk fast toward the door.

Serena calls after me, something about how changing names and labels doesn’t change the meaning. I walk faster. My vision blurs, but I order myself not to cry. I will not let her get to me ever again.

Driving home, I can barely see the road for the tears blurring my vision. First Eleanor, now those bitches. God, it’s all over the whole fucking town. Everyone knows I went with him to New York. How can I possibly deny what’s happening between us? Clearly the monster-in-law isn’t keeping her big mouth shut.

Leaving Lillie stabs at my heart like knives, but somehow, the thought of leaving Remi hurts even worse. Pain radiates across my shoulder blades, and I almost have to pull over. I’m so close to the house or I would.

Lifting my cell, I tap Marsha Magee’s number. She answers at once, and I quickly work out the details of moving into her small rental house this weekend.

My next call is to Drew.

“Hey, Cinderella! How’d it go at the ball? I want to hear all about it. Don’t leave out a single detail.”

I blink and rivers of tears coat my cheeks. I swallow, but my voice wavers. “You think Gray might be able to help me move this weekend? I need a truck.”

Drew’s tone changes at once. “Ruby! Are you okay? It sounds like you’re crying. What happened? Talk to me.”

“I will. I just can’t do it right now.” Blinking up to the sky, I try to get control of myself. “I just need you to help me get settled, help me get my bed and furniture from Ma’s. Then I’ll tell you everything.”

“We’ll be there.”