Page 22 of Ashley Vs. Boss

I crane my head to the side to read closer without touching the papers. Apollo has this spidey sense about people touching his shit, so I don’t dare move a thing. But…

"Divesting from Blush, Inc" is emblazoned across the top of the papers. It quickly delves into legalese that I swear even the lawyers don’t understand, but it's damn clear that Apollo is selling Blush.

He promised me he wouldn’t do that. He promised he’d return it to profitability and make sure it was stable before entertaining any offers to sell. He’d told me it would be at least a year.

He told me all of this last week.

He had to have been lying to me. Oh my god, he was lying to me. He couldn’t just decide to sell yesterday and do it today. Even I know that isn’t how it works. You have to find buyers and negotiate and find lawyers and draw up papers and…

Oh my god.

How long has he known? How long has he been fucking me while also fucking around with me and my life and my friends and my job?

I walk out of his office, blinded with rage and tears and anger that is vibrating through me so loudly, I cannot hear or digest or understand anything. I am anger. I am fear.

I am pissed.

I put my headphones in and walk home and ignore the world. Fuck the world.

And fuck the Wolf of New York. We all knew it couldn’t last, right?




It's been two whole

days and Ashley hasn't once dropped by the office.

Yeah, I'm a bit off because I haven't seen her, okay?

Normally, I don't let women affect me like this.

But fuck, I think I fucking love her.

What am I talking about? I know I love her.

But I'm not sure what's going on with that girl.

I tried sending her a few texts but didn't get an answer.

When was that? I'm pretty sure that was two days ago. Because after that I stopped by her desk yesterday.

That's right. I came down from my 4th floor office all the way to her floor. But for someone who hadn't seen me in a while, she didn't look too happy when she finally did see me.

Instead it was quite the opposite.

She looked at me, her eyes shooting daggers at me.

"Do you have a moment to talk in the conference room?" I remember asking.

"I'm sorry, I have a deadline, but is there anything you needed?" Ashley answered back, very politely. And very coldly.

She knew just as well as I did that I can't stand out there in an open office and ask her what's going on. And hey, there's a chance with a closed conference room that maybe I could show her how much I missed her.

You know, like pull my cock out and stick it inside of her.