“Let’s see if…” he breathes out, pushing my head back and making his cock pop out of my mouth with a wet sound, “...your pussy is as tight as your mouth.” With that, he grabs me by the hand and pulls me on top of him. Before I can even react, he grabs his cock and starts brushing it against my soaked pussy. He rubs its tip up and down the length of my pussy and then feeds one inch of it into me; I let out one wild scream, and I’m only reacting to his thickness.

His shaft strains against my insides, pushing my inner walls back and stretching me so wide that I doubt I’ll ever be the same. Slowly, he starts sliding his whole length inside of me, only stopping when all of it is buried deep.

“Oh, God,” I moan, my insides burning so fiercely that it feels like I’m breathing in smoke and my heart is pumping ashes through my veins. I can’t even open my eyes, and breathing feels like a chore. When he starts to thrust… Oh, when he starts to thrust that fire grows into a raging inferno, each stroke of his cock like a bomb going off inside of me.

When my mind finally starts working again, I start swaying my hips, trying to match his rhythm. It doesn’t take long for him to stop thrusting and allow me to take the lead. And that’s exactly what I do; with both arms thrown over his shoulders, I ride him as if my life depends on it. I go as fast as I can, and beads of sweat are already forming on my forehead, a stray lock of hair plastered to my skin.

“I was wrong,” he groans, placing both hands on my ass and feeling the flowing way with which I move my body, “your pussy is even tighter than your mouth.” His voice climbs inside my ears and flies past my eardrums, caressing my brain like sweet venom. And that does it for me; throwing my head back, I grit my teeth and hiss like a mad woman, coming for the second time tonight.

That fire inside of me spreads from my loins to every extremity in my body, consuming everything in its wake. It feels like a sharp needle is stabbing every single one of my nerve endings. I never felt something like this. His cock is not only gigantic, it’s magical as well, it seems.

“Tired already, babe?” he asks me, tucking that stray lock of hair over my ear. I make the effort to open up my eyes and, with a sly grin, I just roll to the side and lay down on the couch, spreading my legs wide.

“What do you think?” I tease him, sliding one hand down from between my tits and moving it straight to my clit. Using only two fingers, I start rubbing it as I bite on my lower lip, inviting him in.

“Good girl,” he whispers, placing his body on top of mine. Grabbing his cock, he pushes it down until its tip is against my pussy. This time he doesn’t tease me; no, he goes straight for the kill, sheathing his cock in me up to the hilt. I gasp as he does it, crossing my legs on his lower back and my arms around his neck. My fingers are digging into his shoulder blades, but he doesn’t even seem to notice; he just keeps on thrusting, fucking me as if we only have minutes to live. His movements are so fast and vicious that I’m not sure if I’ll be able to walk tomorrow. But who cares? Right now my only concerns can be summed up in one simple word: pleasure.

“Harder,” I whisper against his ear and, obedient, he starts to thrust with such a fury that even my bones seem to be rattling. He pounds me so hard that, even though I’m just lying down, beads of sweat start sliding down my forehead.

I open my mouth to scream, but all that leaves my lips is a faint croak of ecstasy; I come like that, barely able to utter a sound. My muscles start to twitch, and I bury my fingernails so deep in his flesh that it’s a wonder I’m not drawing blood.

“You’re… You’re…”

“Amazing, I know,” he completes my sentence, softly kissing me as he pulls out.

“Yes, that’s the word,” I smile, suddenly feeling so spent that smiling is the only thing I can do. Without another word, he goes up to his feet and picks me up from the couch. Carrying me in his arms, he crosses the living room and goes up the stairway; in the upper floor of his apartment, he goes straight for the bedroom, gently placing me down on the mattress.

Lying down on the place he sleeps every day somehow energizes me, and I summon the hidden reserves of energy inside of me. I roll to the side and then, lying flat on my stomach, I push myself up. Now on all fours, I start wiggling my ass as an invitation.

“Tired already?” I throw the question he asked me before right back at him, and a wild grin dances on his lips. He comes up to me, hooks his fingers on my thighs, and then pulls me to the edge of the bed. Still standing, he angles his cock down and thrusts at once, resting both his hands on my ass cheeks. Without even waiting for him, I start to thrust my ass back, igniting the movement of both our bodies. Soon enough, the sound of flesh on flesh, my cheeks slapping his thighs, fills his whole bedroom. I add high-pitched moans of pleasure to the chorus, a symphony of lust and desire silencing my rational side. Right now I’m a creature living on pure instinct. And it feels amazing… It feels liberating.

“Fuck me… as hard as you can,” I tell him, looking back at him over my shoulder. His reply is a simple grin, but that’s enough for me. He starts upping his pace until my eyes start rolling in their orbits. For a moment, I stop seeing and hearing; my brain just refuses to keep on working and surrenders to the unstoppable avalanche of pleasure that crashes against it.

My pussy tightens up around Danny’s shaft and I just explode. I let out a scream loud enough to shatter glass and it feels like wasps are buzzing under my taut muscles. That burning sensation becomes almost unbearable, and it almost feels as if I’m really on fire.

At the same time, I feel his cock pulsing violently and I realize that he’s close. Gritting my teeth, I push my ass back against him, forcing his cock to go as deep as possible; with that, his cock throbs again, this time even more violently, and I moan as I feel him cumming inside of me.

With his fingers digging into my ass cheeks, I hold still as he unleashes a torrent of cum inside of me. His warm fluids fill me up to the brim, and I sigh loudly as I feel juices starting to drip down my legs.

“Fuck,” he groans, slowly pulling back. I look back over my shoulder, thinking that he’s done, but I’m wrong; he starts stroking himself, thick ropes of semen flying straight onto my back and crisscrossing over my skin. I let him cover my body with his seed and only when he’s done do I allow myself to collapse on the bed. Falling with my stomach down on the mattress, I let out a tired sigh.

What in the world just happened? I thought Danny was a man, not a god… But the way he handles himself and his cock tells me otherwise. He has the assets, and he has the skills. It doesn’t matter if he’s inside the field or inside the bedroom; the man is a born killer. It’s almost weird to think back to how charming he was back in the restaurant. Judging by the way he fucked me, you’d say he’d be more at ease among a pack of Vikings than in an upscale restaurant.

“That was amazing,” he whispers, lying down by my side. I open my eyes just to look at him, and there’s an easy smile on his lips. He looks handsome right now, his short hair plastered to his head from all the sweat covering his body. He really took it seriously when I told him to fuck me as hard as he could.

“It was way more than amazing,” I whisper back at him, making the effort to bridge the distance between our mouths just to feel his lips once more.

We stay like that for what seems like an eternity, just looking into each other’s eyes. There’s an afterglow to both of us and, by God, I don’t think I’ve ever felt this good—and happy—ever before.

Danny Manning, the man who came crashing into my life. Literally.



Fuck, why the hell am I sore? I think to myself as the morning sun tumbles inside the room, making its way past the curtains and hitting me straight in the face. I sit up on the bed, kicking the sheets back, and I start smelling something … Eggs. What the hell?

Fiona, her name lights up in my mind like a neon sign, and the memories of last night flood me all at once. No wonder I’m sore today; I really gave it my all with her. It’s kinda ironic, really. I usually don’t wake up this sore after a tough game. Bruised and battered, sure, but not sore. That girl really is something else …