Page 23 of Becca Vs. Biker

“This place gives me the fucking creeps,” Harlan says to, keeping his voice down. “What the fuck is going on here?”

I grab Harlan’s arm and pull him closer as we walk into the gardens. Of course he’s feeling a bit edgy. This is Derek Lowell and Alicia. They’re like the poster children for the Establishment. And Harlan? Lets just say that he’s the opposite.

“Becca!” Alicia yells from across the garden and starts walking quickly to me. She’s not running. Not with those heels! “You came!”

Harlan laughs in the background and I smirk as well. Yeah, we fucked before we got here. Off the side of the road in the bushes.

We just couldn't wait. Actually, Harlan couldn’t wait. So he stopped the bike and had his way with

me. And I let him. Because it felt so good. I loved the feeling of freedom – doing whatever I wanted whenever I wanted.

Afterwards, he came inside me and I pulled my jeans back up. I can feel his cum dripping out of me right now. It’s a majorly amazing feeling – talking to my friend at a fancy garden party while knowing that my man’s cum is dripping out of me and no one knows.

It’s so dirty. And I don’t care.

This is my life for the last several months. Ever since I left Manhattan with Harlan. We go where we want. We eat when we want. We fuck when we want. We do what we care about. Harlan has some business he takes care of time to time, and some clubhouse chapter stuff, but other than that, we live in our own little world.

“Of course I came, babe!” I say back to her, hugging her. “This is the last party before the wedding, right?” I ask.

It’s true. After long last, Alicia and Derek are finally going to get married. The first of the friends are beginning to get married.


I’m just happy that I’m finally happy. Out of the job that I was getting pigeon holed in. Out of the life that seemed to be outwardly great, but was killing me inside.

“Are you guys still staying in Long Island?” Alicia asks, as she pulls me to the side towards the buffet table. I look back. Harlan is heading to the bar. I hope he’ll be okay.

“Alicia, I’m not going back to Manhattan or anything,” I tell her, rolling my eyes.

She stops and looks at me. “I know, dear,” she tells me. “You’re happy where you are. I would never try and tell you to change that.”

I look at Alicia with a bit of surprise. I mean, she works at an investment bank. She’s marrying a billionaire.

I never thought that she would accept this way of life.

“You have to do what you need to do in this life to be happy, babe,” she tells me and kisses me on the cheek. “Just know that you’ll always be my friend forever. All of the girls.”

I give her a hug. I spy a look over my shoulder as I’m hugging Alicia.

Harlan is talking to Derek Lowell.

Biker talking to Billionaire.

In Long Island.

They’re sharing a laugh and a beer.

It’s like something out of a Mona Cox book. I see Rory and Lisa walking towards us from the other direction.

Alicia is right.

No matter what, I’m happy.

I have my man.

I have my friends.

I’m the luckiest girl in the world.