Page 469 of 100 Days

Alexis! Alexis! Alexis! When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Cindy Crawford. And then Jackie Kennedy. And then an author. But then I went to college and all of a sudden wanted to be an investment banker. I don’t know why?

Alexis what other jobs have you worked at then?

So my first job was at McDonald’s. Uhm, lets see. For one semester in college I used to be an exotic dancer (paid for my semester). Then I worked at Merrill Lynch the summer after. I also worked at two Wall Street investment banks that are close knit enough that I don’t think I should give the name here lol. And then I became an author of smut!

So Alexis, what made you decide to write these type of books?

I like having orgasms? I like sex? I think sex is beautiful. I think love is beautiful. I love HEA’s. I want to spend the rest of my days doing things that make me happy!

Alexis, on a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you miss WineBar’s cock now that you’re at your parents?

About an 11. Next question?

Alexis, what keeps you from being exclusive with WineBar?

Hmm, no comment.

Alexis, really? No comment?


Can you tell us why that is?

Well, it depends on what the definition of is, is, I think. Anyone get that reference?


Anyone who gets that reference reply back and you could win a book too! I’m cutting this conference short but please keep the questions coming! I love them all! I really do!

Hugs and kisses and lots of love,




Winner of the definition of is is contest is Candace Worthy! Just hit me back babe and we'll get you all sorted!

I just got back from going to the gym with my mom. Ya, like my mom may be 63, but she like still goes to the gym like everyday. And will look at me with hands on her hips if I’m like no I’m too sleepy. So we start by doing stretches and then we do yoga, and then we have a Pilates class and then both of us on the StairClimber and then we both are on the treadmill. Seriously, wtf. Like I like working out, but at like 9 am on a Saturday morning? Please!

But that’s not the worst part.

The worst part is sitting in the little café area that they have having a smoothie and engaging in my mom’s definition of “girl talk” which is her asking questions as I cringe. Here is today’s snippet:

Mom: So, Alexis, I’m SO glad you’re gonna be here for a few weeks!

Alexis: Awww, me too Mom! But you know, I can come over anytime! With my new job I can work from anywhere!

Mom: I’m not worried about you working! I’m worried about grandbabies! When am I gonna see some?

Alexis: (rolling eyes) Moooom…we talked about this and I want kids too eventually but it’s gotta be with the right guy. I don’t wanna have to go back on like 8 years down the line because the first one didn’t work out. It’s also a legal hassle.

Mom: Only you would think about legal things when we’re talking about guys! You should be thinking about their bodies!

Alexis: Oh my God! Can we not talk about guys and their bodies?