Page 461 of 100 Days

No, serious. This morning I woke up and the weather is fab and I’m all like omg I need to go for a run and then I’m going to the farmer’s market where I’m gonna get like some fruits and veggies and some bread and maybe a rib sandwich but first I’m gonna go run. So I put on running clothes and as I’m changing I’m like hmm, I should do sexy running clothes instead of ratty running clothes because I technically have no men in my life right now. No one is gonna please this pussy except me if I don’t make an effort, you know?

So I put on sexy running clothes – and I’m off. I’m running next to the water, and it’s my normal time, and I’m listening to Kanye tell me he’s going get my love locked down (bonus points if you can tell me what song lol) and all of a sudden I look to my right and it’s not water anymore, but OMG, is it?

So…do you ever remember I told you guys about meeting a guy and how I was calling him Jogger?

“Long time,” he says smiling. “Never called me back, but that’s okay. Figured you were busy.”

“I should have called you,” I say back.

I don’t know if I actually told you guys the story of Jogger. Have I? Hit me back with Reply and let me know if I have. Because if I haven’t, I’m stopping right here so I can tell you how I met this guy.

Anyways, I’m home now. =)

Hugs and kisses and lots of love!



I can't believe I didn't tell you guys this story!

So sometime in that period where it was raining men – you know when I was meeting WineBar, and then Bookstore, and then ComputerChip and Freeway was in the mix I met Jogger. I thought I mentioned him but I think I got caught up and didn’t get a chance to actually talk about how I met the guy.

First off, it seems like so long ago, doesn’t it. I almost want to put all these together in a book or something so that pe

ople can follow along and read back lol. But I dunno if that’s too pretentious. I know I keep talking about doing something like that but I never do it because I end up reading what I wrote and then life happens and I end up forgetting.

Anyways, so I went for a run in between all the raining men drama. And btw it’s def not raining men now. I mean, MR. Cancun hasn’t returned any calls back, but we’ve texted and he’s been like okay I think I just need to chill for a little bit and maybe in the future we can pick back up. WineBar has been like sorry I ambushed you, it’s not like we were exclusive or anything, but I felt bad for not checking up on you and I wanted to say I was sorry in a dramatic fashion. But I can’t unsee all that so maybe we need some space.

So I’m all dressed up with nowhere to go, ya know? LOL.

Anyways, so going back to Jogger and how I met him. During the raining men period, I went for a run. And as I was going past like Pier 20, I look to my left and this guy is running next to me. I smile and think to myself that he’s sorta cute and he smiles at me. I wonder if he ever jobs shirtless and it’s a great picture in my head you know.

And that’s when I trip and fall.

Like you know how they say look both ways before you cross the street? You should also look ahead of you to see if the curb rises up and what not.

“Looks like that was kind of a big fall,” the guys said to me, stopping to help me up. I mean I was in pain but my ego was more wounded. Like it wasn’t a gracious fall. It was all flailing arms and legs.

“Thanks,” I said, still embarrassed.

“I’m Jogger,” he introduced himself. “Do you need anything? Are you okay?”

What I needed was a nice bubble bath with him, but instead I looked at him and said “No thanks. I’m such a klutz. And this was supposed to stop ever since I dyed my hair brown.”

“Can you walk?” he asked me, holding me as I got up on my feet. I scooched closer to him without realizing, wanting his arms around me a bit more.

“I’ll be okay,” I said. And I noticed he nodded and looked down the Embarcadero, about to go run again. I needed to do something.


So as soon as he let go…

I fell again.


“We’re not going anywhere,” he said. “By the way, what’s your name?” he asked me.