Page 441 of 100 Days

Pam said, "Oh, I so have to respond to what Freeway wore. Femine undies! Do that on your own time buddy! Not on mine. Plus having brothers and also being married for the third time I've done my share of men's laundry. Men Do Not clean themselves good. If ya know what I mean. So if he's wearing a thong. I'm not going there. Yuck!! Plus just cause he's got a great dick ain't no reason to let all the other things wrong go by the wayside. I would give up on that man. Not worth it. Get rid of him while you got the chance. Sorry to hear that he didn't work out."

Chasity asked, "So, panties aside :) how was the package? I can't imagine the lace even holding it in!"

No, girlfriend. Lace does a poor job of covering up dick. And he had a large dick - that's for damn sure. But homeboy has got to figure out some different underoos to wear for me to lay my hands (or mouth) on it...

Aww thank you so much girlfriend! <3 <3 Yeah, I think Freeway is done for now.

Virginia said, "Ugh- a woman's thong?!?! That's just wrong and not manly. Good for you- boxer briefs are so sexy on a man. I would forget freeway guy! There are more fish in the sea?? and besides you have book boyfriends to keep you company!! ??"

Well that's true. In fact, that's what I'm curling up with once I get home tonight. Book boyfriend.

Hugs and Kisses and Lots of Love,

Alexis Angel

Where They Go?

So I went from so many options, to like, not too many when it comes to dating...

Good morning my lovely angels (or afternoon if you’re Eastern Coast inclined).

So Freeway is out. I put a frowny face next to his name on the Contacts screen. Dodgeball still hasn’t called, despite being an amazing sounding guy. And WineBar is still at it – the only one that texts me without fail.

So like Sunday I sat down for oysters and wine with my BFF and she actually told me a bunch of stuff about Dodgeball, because she’s been going to that event – Midnight Dodgeball for years.

So Dodgeball graduated from college and went to work at Facebook. He eventually left. He started his own app. He sold that app a while back (that’s crazy!). He lives in Pacific Heights, which is pretty ritzy. He’s never been married or had kids, which is amazing.

But he’s been with a lot of girls. He’s been with my friend too. They dated for like a few weeks back last year but mutually decided to move on. Their reasoning? They apparently weren’t done having sex with other people. I mean, after Freeway, someone like Dodgeball likes me I’m done having sex with the entire human race to focus on this guy, ya know?

So, I mean, this guy was supposed to call me after the weekend. Monday has already come and past. If he doesn’t call me by 6 pm PST today, I’m calling WineBar to come and take me for a ride after he gets off work. I’ll need some dick to get my mind off of lace thongs on men and perfect sounding dudes that don’t call.

Not a lot happening today - so I am gonna take at least 2 hours to kick back and relax.

Hugs and Kisses and Lots of Love,

Alexis Angel


It's raining men! Hallelujah! ;)

So when God closes a takes away a guy, he usually adds another to the lineup!

It’s true. Wait till you hear my story from yesterday evening. You will be like ohmygod! There is so totally such a thing as good karma.

I mean, it starts out pretty sad - with a phone convo between me and Freeway where I basically tell him that I can't deal with his desire to feel sexy by having to wear women's underwear and him telling me that's a part of who he is and he can't change for me so I should go be happy with someone more boring. Shrug. Meh. Whatevs. Imagine if we were married and I was all like "Honey! I can't find my pink thong! Are you wearing it?"


Anyway, so that convo happened and I went to Starbucks at Barnes & Noble to write. And then something happened...

But I’m not gonna tell you now. Uh uh. Am I teasing you? Sure. Is it fun? Well, for me at least ;)

To all the people who were all like oh why don’t you do more stuff that you do for your Facebook peeps, well I tease them mercilessly too ;)

Till later - I am gonna go squeeee and think about this guy. I'll give you a hint. BookStore is his name that I'm introducing him as.

Anyways, babes!