Page 407 of 100 Days

So I was thinking something today and this is always kinda funny.

So there are some authors who will sign up for another author's newsletter to be like oh I wonder what so and so is doing and I'm genuinely interested in them.

And some who are all about like oh lemme see what secrets I can learn are they doing something secret that I can pick up on or did they carry me in their newsletter like they said they would.

But I was just shaking my head because these poor authors whoever if any signed up for my newsletter are having to read daily the torrent of ridiculous chatter that comes out of my head.

So maybe they are juggling stressful writing with releasing and I send an email talking about moaning, groaning, sucking, and slurping and they're like Oh My God. Why did I ever bother?

But whatevs, you know. As long as I don't bother you. Because my readers are seriously the most important people to me.

Without you guys, I wouldn't be here. I mean I would seriously do anything for readers because this isn't just about telling stories and writing dirty wordies for me. This is about bringing some happiness and escape and peace to my readers. To make them smile. To make them laugh. To do some good in the world.

I honestly believe that and I promise I will never, ever take you for granted.

I'm starting to tear up here a bit, so gonna end this now, ladies.

Check out my $100 giveaway on my page! I have it out for thanking readers for getting Wicked Lil' Brat into the Top 100 in Amazon (woohoo!)

OMG My book is still in the Top 100! 2/23/2017

So last night my Naughty Angel was telling me something she did for Valentines Day...

She was trying to save money and so she cut up a lot of paper and wrote down a sexual favor on each of them. Then she put them in a box and she told her man that he could pick something randomly from the box and she would do it!

It's such a fun concept that I totally wanted to do it. So I asked the Dirty Lil' Angels what I could put other than the usual you know, l

ike blowjob, handjob, footjob, titjob, fucking.

So some great suggestions I woke up to:

•Naked body massage

•Position of their choice


•Sexual Fantasy of their choice

•Role Play of their choice

•Personal slave for an hour

•Bubble bath for two


•Blindfolded encounter

•Shower sex

•Body painting encounter

•Kiss anywhere they want

•Let them eat off my body

•Strip poker