She closes her mouth and her lips form a thin line. No longer in shock. And she’s not all that excited by the gift.

“Well, you didn’t have to buy me the latest iPhone. I can’t believe you bought something so expensive.” It’s as if she’s trying to hide the obvious embarrassment on her face.

“No,” I insist. “I bought for you what I would have bought for myself.” I should tell her that I bought the same for my assistant. But instead of making it professional, I’m making it personal.

Elia smiles as she puts it back in the box. “Thank you.”

I’m about to say something more when she starts walking towards the door. I follow her, admiring the backless dress that reveals even more of that gorgeous body of hers.

She’s so damn sexy that my natural reaction is to maybe skip dinner entirely and fuck her. It doesn’t seem like such a bad idea...but I also want to talk to Elia because she wanted to talk.

Well, that’s different for me.

I don’t do the whole talking, getting to know a girl thing.

I do the fuck and forget thing.

Elia turns to close the door and lock it behind her, then she turns back to me, holding her hand out tentatively. I don’t hesitate to take it and tug her hand under my elbow.

We’re silent as I lead the way to my car, parked by the curb. I open the door for her, and wait for her to get in before closing the door. I go around to my own side and get inside.

“Do you have any preference on where we’ll eat?”

“I thought you, having asked me, would have that in mind?” Elia’s eyes look directly into mine, and as I’m looking at her, I feel like I’m in some cheesy movie shot where the camera spins all around us, and I hold in a breath for a second.

She turns away from me, maybe finding my stare too intense. But I thought I saw a flicker of something in her eyes that was just something more. Something of the heat and attraction that I felt, returned.

“I have a few ideas, sure,” I say, following her gaze.

Elia’s looking right at the bulge in my trousers.

Like what you see?

I know most women do.

There’s a footlong trying to find space in my slacks, and there’s not much. I decide against shifting so it is less obvious. Elia’s looking and if she wanted to hide it, she’s not doing so well. My eyes fall from her hungry stare to taking in the sight of the tops of her breasts, moving so slightly with her every breath.

What the fuck is she doing to me?

Everything’s out of control inside my head right now and I fucking want her.

First I ask her out on a date. Well, tell her.

I don’t date. I just fuck.

So how come, as much as I’m desperate to taste Elia, do I also want to know her. I remember that I’m not supposed to just sit here and whine to you but actually talk to the woman I want to wrap in my arms. I clear my throat, attempting to clear out my distracted thoughts.“So, what do you think you’re in the mood for?”

She smiles and looks up at me. “Well, my friend...and supervisor, Dana, the one that you met today? She loves Thai food and she usually cooks something and shares it with me at lunch. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to eat in a real Thai restaurant.”

There’s something so...pure about Elia. The way she delights in things, how in the moment she is. Like, vivacious. Supple...okay that one’s for her breasts. But I feel like the air around me is fresher or something when I’m around her.

And she’s nothing like the girls I usually fucked. If I dated them, they’d want wined and dined at whatever restaurant Zagat says is worth going to, and they’d just enjoy getting the most expensive thing on the menu, even if they barely eat it.

Elia just has a fresh idea...something new she wants to experience. “You mean that you’ve never eaten in a Thai restaurant?”

She shakes her head. “Never.”

Maybe she can see the shock on my face, because she whispers, “Pathetic, right?”