She has a dirty mind, I love it, and as I try on all of them, I do something that I’ve never done before. I put on a mini catwalk and get her opinion on all of the things that she picked up for me. Not just the pink things with bows. No one’s seen me naked as an adult until that first time by the pool with Jason. Not even my husband of eighteen years. I remember one time walking past him, naked and thinking that he didn’t even blink. I knew then that I disgusted him. I’d wasted eighteen years trying to please him. I’d spent two minutes doing that to Jason, and it was effortless. He wants me all the time, and I don’t even need to be standing in front of him naked. I don’t even need to try.

“Naomi, run up my card, I’m going to take all of them.”

She screams, “All the pieces?”

I know that she works on commission and to her it’s probably a lot of money that she’s earning as a result of it. To me, it’s just making up for eighteen years in the time that we have left together. I know that it’s a summer fling, but it’s helped me in so many ways, and I don't want it to end. If Jason doesn’t agree, then we’ll say our goodbyes. I could never regret the way that I’m feeling right now.

“All!” I repeat as I stand next to her.

“You have a killer body, Jennifer, and whoever this guy is, he’s a very lucky guy.”

I wink and say, “I know. But I’m a lucky girl too.”

I’ve been brought back to life, and if it weren't for Jason, I never would have known that I was truly dead until two months ago. I was a shell just walking around, and he brought me back to life, and I would love him forever for doing that for me.


“Oh my gosh, what did you put in that sauce?” I say as I try and catch my breath back. I had the best meal of my life especially the desert. It was the perfect part of the meal.

Jennifer laughs as I attempt to lift her off the table. Jennifer cooked a three-course meal and wore a tight black dress. I tried my best to eat and concentrate on the meal, but my cock was so fucking hard, hurting and throbbing so much that the conversation was light and the only thing on my mind was taking her up to the bedroom. But, we didn’t make it that far. I tried my best to control myself so that I didn’t ruin her efforts. I know that she had been working hard on the meal. One thing about Jennifer, she’s so easy to read. When she told me to come round tonight and wear something special, I knew that she was going that extra mile tonight. And from the moment she opened the door, she took my breath away.

There were candles all around the dining room and throughout the house. She had this big grin on her face, from the moment she opened the door, and her hair was tied up in a loose bun, and she had no makeup, just heels, and her tight black dress. Her heels were so fucking high that her calf muscles were so tight all I wanted to do was run my tongue all the way from her toes right up to her head.

As soon as we finished the main meal of sea-food risotto and I tried to resist the temptation to have another serving, all I could do was roll on to desert and hope that it was her pussy that was on the menu.

She had on a black dress that hung to her like a second skin. It was off the shoulder, and it was holding up her breasts, and I knew that all I had to do was tug it down and I would have both her breasts in the palm of my hand.

She had pieces of Italy everywhere with the candles. From the flag to Italian music playing in the background. I told her that I’d always wanted to visit Italy and she went out of her way to bring it here tonight. Just for me. No one takes what I say seriously. Because I’m a ball player they think that all I do is live for the sport and when I’m not on the field then all I want is some pussy.

Jennifer’s taken me away from that; she’s making me see that there’s more to me. More to life. As soon as I finished the risotto, she took off her dress and gave me her pussy as the desert. I got rid of everything on the dining table with one hand and put her sweet pussy on top of it. It was the hottest thing that I’ve ever done in my life. She didn’t even complain; she laughed as the plates went smashing on the ground.

But it didn’t just end there; I had to take her. I couldn’t control myself, and I fucked her on top of the table.

I’m panting trying to get my breath back and judging by her lack of re

sponse, I’m not the only one.

“Is this what you’ve been up to all day?”

She nods her head. “All day.”

I shake my head feeling bad about not being able to control myself. I shouldn’t have smashed everything on the ground like that. I should have been patient and taken her upstairs, but I couldn’t wait that long.

I laugh as I lift her up and say, “I should have taken you upstairs.”

She springs up. “What would have been the fun in that?”

“I’ve created a monster,” I tease as I start to pick up the plates.

“Jason, no. I’ll do that later. Let’s go up. I’m tired. I’ve been shopping all day and cooking the rest. I want to lie down.”

I reassure her, “You don’t want to wake-up in the morning and have all this to clear up. You go and lie down, and I’ll clean it up.”

I zip up my pants and start getting to work.

“After all, I created the mess,” I sigh feeling guilty that I made such a mess in her house.

She tugs my arm. “Did we swap ages or something?”