“So, you haven’t been busy at work?” I offer. I shouldn’t dig him out of this but I just want to understand this...understand how I could have been so stupid, really, as to think hooking up with him and expecting to hear back from him was a good idea.

Before he can answer, I reply for him, “But if you had been then you wouldn’t have had time to buy an iPad.” God, why did I even say that? Like, he’s rich. He’s got a driver. He’s probably got an assistant. Clearly he didn’t have any actual time for me and that’s why Eric has just now shown up.

Eric won't even look at me.

I’m so frustrated that I want to break something. I feel a rant coming on and my words start spewing out before I even know what I’m going to say. “I don’t get you. You wanted to act like the hero and that’s all it was about. Don’t pretend that what you did just then , Eric, was to save me. It wasn’t!”

He’s quiet but seems to be searching for something to say. No doubt another word. Something that doesn’t even describe exactly what’s going on at the moment.

“Elia, you do need saving from Ryan. He’s not just trying to assault you, he’s paying you less than everyone else.”

“What? How do you know that?”

“Ryan provided the financial reports weeks ago. They show clearly that you’re being paid the least…and now I’m certain that there isn’t any appropriate reason why.” Eric grits his teeth.

“Today is just too much…I can’t be here with you right now!” I know, I know, I’m being dramatic, but I don’t want to process this shitty news next to the only person I’ve been able to think about for days.

I need to get out of here. I open the car door and unfasten my belt.

“Where are you going?” Eric blurts out, maybe because no one’s ever walked out on him before. He probably does this sort of crap all the time.

“Far away from you as possible!”

“Why? But you don’t have your keys, and you can’t get home…” Eric rushes to explain.

I may have been a virgin before that night, but I’m no

t a child. “That’s not your concern. It’s mine.” I’m just about to shut the door, but realize I have one last thing to say. I bend down to do it as I’m outside of the car and can think properly even if it’s only for a few seconds.

“The best you can say to me for ignoring me for days and then turning up with a gift was sorry, and you offer zero explanation. I don’t even know that you are sorry, and you probably think I should just put up with it. Good night, Eric. Have a nice night. And you can return the iPad. I don’t need it,” I say, dropping it in the seat. “And I don’t want it.”

I slam the car door and get as far away from him as possible. Ryan, my boss, is a total skeevy asshole. I’m glad I’m not there anymore.

But Eric? Well no matter how charming he seemed, he’s just the jerk who blew me off and thought that I should put up with it.


I decide that there’s nothing better than a good night’s sleep for both of us to calm down. The next day, I decide to head straight to the bookstore. I’ve got to see her and make sure that Elia’s okay. I’m not even sure if she went back to her apartment, I waited a while and she never turned up. I kept myself from going out chasing after her when I knew she needed space, and only because her friend Dana’s address on her paystubs was near the diner Elia bolted from


It’s as if I’m just a stalker as I stand outside the bookstore, this time I’m really ready to make a proper apology. One that’s sincere from the heart. Because just the words...Elia’s right, they weren’t enough.

“Hey,” I say quietly as I open the door, and she’s standing by a bookshelf.


I don’t give her an opportunity to say anything as I’m a man on a mission with the desire to win her heart; not by fancy gifts, but sincerely telling her that I’m sorry.

“I didn’t want to leave you alone. I know that I should, and you told me to stay away.”

I close the door and approach her. She’s got her hair up in a ponytail, and it’s clear by the paleness of her skin and the bags under her eyes that she didn’t get much sleep last night.

“I’m sorry, maybe I acted a bit rashly, but I couldn’t just stand by and let Ryan attack you. Because, believe me. That’s exactly what he intended to do.”

I’m rambling on, something that I never do. Even when I’m nervous. Usually, I shut up tight until I can get everything right in my head.

“Anyway, you’re right about the expensive gifts and then turning up like that. It wasn’t right. What I should’ve done was at least send you a text or something. But I’m not that type of guy. Not the one who even wants to see a girl again after we’ve had sex. I bought you the gift because I didn’t know how else to make it up to you. Because I was thinking about you. Because I do want to know you, Elia.”