Jason’s hand slowly slides down the door, as he says it in what feels in slow motion. “N-o.”

Is he flirting with me?

“Wait one minute.”

I stand at the door, unclear what I’m waiting for because Carla’s not at home. I came to see her, and I didn’t even know that Jason was at home. I know that Carla’s been working so many shifts lately, she said that bills are piling up like crazy. Maybe coming here and burdening her with my problems of having too much money and not knowing what to do with it isn’t a good idea. I’m exhausted after staying up all night and reading 12 Inches and then after I went on to read more books by Naughty Angel Publishing. They do know how to get a girl wet; I haven’t masturbated like that for years. It felt good. Relieving, to a certain degree. But today is really pushing me over the edge in a considerably less fun way. I’m back to feeling insecure, and I thought that maybe a chat with a friendly neighbor would take it away.

I can hear voices, and now I feel even more embarrassed about ogling Jason’s body. He has a girl over, and as the door is slightly ajar, I can see that he’s still with that girl Bethany. I thought that they broke up?

That’s what Daniel said; he was so happy. No one likes Bethany. Maybe she’s one of those girls that smiles to all the adults and just makes her peers lives a living hell. She’s always been pleasant to me, but I believe what Daniel has said. I’m surprised that I’m a little annoyed that she gets to fuck Jason when she’s such a bitchy girl.

“Bethany, hi,” I say nodding my head, understanding why Jason was sweating earlier on. He was having sex. God, I feel like one of those old women that don’t have a clue about anything anymore.

She nods. “Hi, Mrs. Marshall.”

I shake my head, the thought of being called that ever again makes me feel physically sick. Mrs. implies that I’m married, but before he died, we were never really married. Just two roommates in the same house and in separate beds. but he paid the bills, and we had one thing in common, and that was Daniel. Not even the signed piece of paper saying that we were married forced us to converse at times. Daniel did that when we had to go to parents’ meetings or watch him play ball. We sat. Smiled. Did the whole we are a happy couple charade. But behind closed doors, we were strangers.

“Jason wants me to leave…” She mumbles and looks toward Jason, handing him her panties she had wadded up in her hand. “Something for you to hold on to. If you change your mind.”

I don’t get what she meant by the sentence, but I can tell that Jason felt awkward and I wonder why I am staying behind the door. I should have left the moment he said that his mom wasn’t home.

Jason smiles and then ignores Bethany’s comment and the fact that she’s walking slowly, as if she’s hoping that he’ll call her back.

“Come in, Jennifer.”

I didn’t remember him ever calling me that before. He must have picked up on the way that I reacted when Bethany called me ‘Mrs. Marshall.’

I stopped being that on my honeymoon after I found out that my husband was gay. The strange part is that before, when Tom was alive, if I’d walked into this house and smelled sex I would have run a million miles.

Right now, smelling it, I close my eyes and as Jason doesn’t even attempt to put on any clothes, he asks me, “Would you like a drink?”

I nod my head saying, “Yes, please.”

I’ll like whatever he’s serving even if it’s in the kitchen or up in the bedroom where Bethany just left.


I need someone to talk to right now. Daniel’s not home, and he is one of the friends that I have. Jennifer was standing at the door like a lost lamb. My mom had told me about Tom and how he was cheating on her, not with another woman, but a man. A prostitute. The one that he’d suffered a heart attack on top of in Vegas.


What was wrong with him?

If I had her at home waiting for me every night, the last thing on my mind would be fucking another person. Then again, by the sound of things, Tom was gay. It wasn’t about him wanting to cheat on her. It was about him being gay, which makes no sense to me. I don’t get why he married her in the first place if he wasn’t going to fuck her. Then again, they had Daniel, so they must have been having sex.

I asked Mom for more details. “Jason, why are you so interested?” she asked me, and then I changed the topic of the conversation.

I couldn’t ask Daniel. Hell no! There were some things that guys talked about, but apart from him telling me that his parents slept in separate rooms, it was clear that he knew the truth of their relationship, but he didn’t want to tell me. Then again they only had one child. I never understood that part. She was a housewife with an adult son.

Most women her age had other hobbies or stuff that they would do. But not Jennifer, and she was young. A lot younger than my mom because she had Daniel when she was my age. Which is kinda crazy, because I couldn’t imagine being a father right now.

Mom had me at the right age, just with the wrong guy. Judging by Tom’s antics, Mom doesn’t seem to be the only one. It’s fucking crazy the shit that happens behind closed doors. You think that you know a couple, and then you find out that you didn’t know them at all.

Jennifer has fiery red hair and a sexy, tight body,

one any man should appreciate to have at home or be proud to have at home. My mom looks good for her age, but she's not got anything on Jennifer. She could easily pass for Daniel’s sister and not his mom.

I focus on Jennifer and stop my thoughts wandering, now that she’s here, there are so many fucking questions that are running through my mind. I want to talk to her, but then if that were my true agenda, I would have put on clothes too.