I know. Two wrongs don’t make a right. If you’re shaking your head right now and saying there’s gotta be a better way, let me tell you there isn’t. We don’t have much time. We don’t know when the hammer is going to drop. So we have to go into the inner sanctum of Sienna Sinner and take the information ourselves. Information she keeps on her laptop.

“That laptop is her life,” I say to Derek and Parker. Derek nods.

“She doesn’t take the shit anywhere,” he turns to Parker and explains. It’s actually pretty crazy among people who know her. It has all her confidential information and she keeps it in her office. She takes a workbook on business trips with her and uses her phone and tablet for communication.”

I nod. I’ve known about this little quirk of Sienna’s for a while now. I never said or did anything because you never know when information is going to be valuable.

“Alright,” Parker says, apparently mollified we’re not walking into a trap. “And I guess if Derek is going up there, it’s not technically breaking in because he still technically works for Sienna Sinner.”

I nod. He’s got a very good point. Which is why Derek is the ideal candidate to go into this fact-finding operation. Even though he hasn’t worked for Sienna in a while, he still has a signed contract with her, which technically makes him an employee of sorts.

“Once we get the information we need, it’s enough for me to take that to Abby Angel,” Parker says taking over where I left off. “She’ll be able to go to the head of Rainforest.com’s publishing department—the Cradle Store—and bring up these plans and explain what’s going on. And that will cause Rainforest.com to ban Sienna from ever selling her books on that marketplace again.

Rainforest is the largest e-book retailer on the planet. Nearly 90% of the entire e-book market goes through its stores. Getting banned from it is the kiss of death for any author.

“She’ll be finished,” Derek says in a low voice.

I look over at him. Sure, he’s pulled his weight and been true to his word so far, but there’s a part of me that’s still suspicious. Is this all a ploy? Is he working for Sienna? Luring us into a trap?

I’m thinking of a few pointed questions to root out if Derek is really playing both sides of this? What if this is the way that Sienna tries to destroy Naughty Angel Publishing? Lure us all into a trap where we break into her office and then snag us? Get back at me too for kicking her out.

Cara is looking at me and I catch her eye.

She’s been quiet this whole time. But now she speaks.

“Well, I think it’s a great idea and I’m just amazed how you guys came up with it,” Cara says in a voice that I realize is designed to make our nerves go down and break some of the tension. “The world needs less of Sienna Sinner based on everything I’ve ever seen,” Cara says.

“We’ll get to the bottom of this and make sure she pays, Cara,” Parker says, placing a hand on her thigh.

I know. I fucking know, okay. We’re about to go into a hostile environment where we’ll need to keep our wits about us.

But seeing Parker’s hand on Cara’s tanned, toned thigh sets me off. My cock is fucking twitching like it’s got it’s own heartbeat.

Not to be outdone, Derek looks over at her and into her eyes.

“If there is anything,” he says, gazing deeply. “We’ll find it.”

And Cara smiles.

“I know you will,” she says. “But everyone is too tense in here. We need to relax if we don’t wanna make mistakes.”

And with that, she gets off her seat. And sinks to her knees.

The three of us are looking at her and we’re fucking frozen.

Here is this fucking hot goddess of woman. Wearing a short black skirt and a black blouse that leaves so little to the imagination.

And she’s smiling at us.

Not an innocent, virginal smile.

But something so salacious. So lustful. So sinful. So filled with lechery that it makes my cock rock hard and my knees tremble.

“It’s time for a good luck blowjob,” she says with a wicked grin. “Everyone at once.”

Chapter 12
