Page 462 of Executive Engagement

"Are you fucking serious?" My confidence is back.

"Do you?" I have no clue what Darcy's getting at, but I suddenly feel like doing a show. Right now.

"As a matter of fact, I do. As I said, I'm a crucial part of the site. You've got nothing without me—or any one of us."

Darcy nods his head. I can't tell if he's mocking me.

"I buy it. You've got me. I just need some proof that you do shows."

"I could show you my space, but then the tour would be over. We need to talk about this first. Seriously." I hold up the paper, which I realize I'm clutching nervously.

"I want to look at that." Darcy points to the list. He seems dead serious.

"Great, here. I can make you a copy, even."

Darcy is already walking out the door before I finish talking.

"I can read them in your room."

There's an odd little dance we do as I catch up with Darcy and lead him through the corridor to my space. I make it through the door first, and Darcy just strolls in behind me, acting so damn laid-back it's almost annoying.

After finally getting inside, Darcy doesn't even look around. He just kind of occupies the space like he knows it well. Showing Darcy around and trying to figure him out is getting old, but I don't really want it to end, either.

He looks around the room the way you would look around your own bedroom. It's like he's not seeing anything new, he's just looking around absentmindedly while he's really thinking about something else.

Whatever. If he's losing interest in the tour, I don't have to pay him any attention either.

Just as I start thinking about how hungry I'm getting, and what I want to eat, I see Darcy has re-joined me on Earth. In fact, he's looking straight at me. And he seems hungry as well. Positively starving.

Well, okay then. Time to continue the tour. What are you waiting for? Turn the fucking page already.


I don’t believe in déjà vu. In my opinion, déjà vu is simply a thing weak people claim to experience so that they can feel more spiritual.

But I have to admit, I feel something along the lines of déjà vu stepping into Lizzie’s room. I’ve never been in the mansion before in my life, but after watching Lizzie’s cam session last night, I honestly feel like I’ve been in this room before.

It feels familiar, like I’ve masturbated in this room before, and that’s the kind of feeling you can’t just shake.

“So, this is where I do my cam work,” Lizzie starts. “Basically, I’ll sit in front of my computer, fully dressed to start, and wait to see how many fish bite. Next, I’ll—”

“I’m aware of how you do your work,” I interject.

“I take it you watch a lot of cam girls, then?”

“One in particular.”

No reaction. I wouldn’t be surprised if Lizzie is the type of girl who’s amazing at poker. Her straight face just leaves you guessing as to what she’s actually thinking.

But I think she catches the gist of what I just implied. For a split second, I see her eyes widen in surprise.

“Are you Mr. Big?” she asks.

Moments like these are the ones I live for. That feeling of utter power over another human being. She now knows I’ve seen every inch of her bare skin. She knows the kind of wealth I’m willing to throw at a simple cam girl. She knows I’m in control.

“You’re welcome,” I reply.

“Never would have taken you as a Sex and the City fan.”