Page 138 of Executive Engagement

Once is not going to be enough for me. As usual.

I collapse down beside her, breathing heavily and shaking. She moves across to me, hugging my chest as she cuddles under my arm. I kiss her deeply and feel her whole body soften against me immediately.

She’s ready for more—like she was fucking made for me.

“Maybe we should go back to my place,” she says with a sweet smile. “I’m not even sure whose bed we’re in.”

I feel an icy shock as I remember where we are. I had totally forgotten.

Anyone could walk in and see us.

“Sounds like a good idea. I really don’t feel like going back to my place.”

“So, I’m just convenient, am I?” She’s joking, but there’s an edge to it.

She likes her space. Or maybe she assumes that I take her for a quick fuck.

I tell her about my roommates and our very charitable abode. Why my place isn’t suitable for a romantic liaison.

She laughs at me. “I never thought you were that kind of guy.”

“Yeah, well I’m not all bad!”

I give her a quick run-down on my situation, about my parents and my art. She wants to see my paintings and sculptures.

“A sensitive soul trapped in the body of a lion.” She sits up and kisses me.

It feels amazing to have this kind of focused attention. Minnie really gets living for the moment. There is an immediacy of feeling that shocks me to my bones.

We get up to head back to her place, and I can’t wait to get her alone. Really alone, where I can savor every sweet fucking inch of her.

As she fixes her dress, I put my pants on, trying to think this through. I can’t just move in.

I don’t want to worry about that now. I want to indulge her every erotic whim.

There’s a dim light in my pocket. I pull out the phone. New message.

Got an old buddy to look at your art. Sold three pieces for over twenty grand. Your dad wants in. He’s putting you back in the will. Calling tomorrow with details for your first exhibition. Trust fund will be enabled by the afternoon. Uncle Matt.

Minnie comes over and kisses me.

“Everything okay?”

I can’t stop grinning. I kiss her hard. I’m so happy I can’t breathe.

“Everything is great.”

She smiles back. “Ready to go?”

“I’m ready to go anywhere with you. Just say when.”

We hold hands as we leave the room. Wherever we go now, it will always be together.

Alexis and WineBar #8

“You have never been happier,” my friend told me as we sat down to lunch.

And it was true.