No feelings, no love—just bare ass fucking.

My cock doesn’t even twitch. It refuses to rise.

But if I run Kat’s gold eyes through my head, it instantly stiffens up.

There’s a faint sound of crunching grass, and I jump up, swinging my poor bent club.

Might as well be my fucking cock for all the use it is.

“Thought I’d find you here.”

“What the fuck, Sarah? How did you find me?”

“This is where you always go. In the rough of the ninth…Didn’t you realize? This is where you came that day you struck out on the Anderson account.”

I have to laugh as I sit back down and swig the whiskey. “Yeah, that was a cool five million in the dust.”

“You had to fuck the daughter, didn’t you?”

“Sarah! I told you before—she tied me to the bed. For fuck’s sake. You expect me to not get hard when she jumps on me?”

“Alright. I didn’t come here for disgusting details which are likely untrue.”

I leave that the fuck alone and take another swallow.

Sarah sighs.

“Look, Will. I’ve been looking for you all day. I spoke to Kat today and…well, I don’t know. I kind of felt bad about it. Something was off.”

“She mentioned it.”

“Oh, you spoke to her?”

I gulp down more whiskey.

“If yelling counts as speaking, then yes.”

“Oh, Will. What the fuck now? Is she going to leave the firm? I don’t—”

“Will you shut the good goddamn fuck up about the company?” I yell.

I come up, flinging the bottle down in a rage.

“As if I have ever gave a fuck about that! You care more about the company than you do about me, and you always have! I’m here fucking hurting, you bitch, because…because I…”

“Holy fucking shit, Will.”

Sarah is standing a few feet away, and she’s brought her arms around herself, as if she’s cold.

“You love her.”

“No, I don’t. I…I don’t know what I fucking feel.”

I put my head down.

Take a deep breath.

I want to feel Sarah’s arms go around me. I want her to pull me close.