Page 185 of Executive Engagement

Adjusting my phone between my ear and shoulder, I tear open the envelope and get back to Lori. “Okay, sorry about that. So, as I was saying. You have my word. A Cunning Linguist will be canceled by the end of the month. There’s no way Jacob Kent can get around these fines. Not when we’re going to slap him with one for every episode that’s ever aired. They won’t be able to afford to continue.”

“I sincerely hope so.” Lori sounds like she’s not so sure she should've given me the assignment now. For the last few days, ever since I told her I agreed to Jake’s request that I hold off on passing judgment, she seems even more uptight.

“Don’t worry.” My voice brims with confidence as I pull out the contents of the envelope. “I’ve got this. In fact, I have a brilliant plan to make our case against them airtight. I’m going to interview Jake’s past guests. You know, check in on them. See how being on the show has impacted them.”

“What’s the point in that?” I can tell she’s curious, even though she sounds skeptical.

I glance over the long list of names on the papers Jake sent. “Lori, I’m holding the key in my hand right now. Mr. Kent has sent over a list of all the guests—he’s being really cooperative. Once I interview these ladies, it can only make our case stronger. Think about it. All these women had their most intimate problems aired on live TV. That has to be humiliating, right? But it doesn’t stop there. No, no. Not only did the entire country hear about their sexual issues, but right after they aired their dirty laundry, they proceeded to bare it all. Literally. These women had orgasms on live television like they’re fucking porn stars or something.”

Lori’s snort of disgust tells me I’m on the right track to winning her over. I know she’ll love my strategy once she sees how effective it'll be.

“My point is they have to be humiliated. Once I have a stack of signed statements indicating how ACL impacted its guests so negatively, there’s no way Jacob Kent can stand by his claim of improving lives and saving marriages.”

Lori huffs. Oops. I forgot the mere mention of marriage is a hot button with her.

“Trust me Lori. Have I ever let you down?”

“Not yet,” she says crossly. “And you better not this time.”

This conversation is going nowhere. “Okay, well, I’m going into the office today to observe Jake and Toby’s selection process. It should be very...enlightening.”

I roll my eyes, unable to keep the snark from my voice. I can only imagine how this will go. I mean, how the hell do you screen women you want to go down on?

Another heavy sigh from the newly crowned queen of negativity. “Fine. Get back to me.”

I hang up and look at my phone for a minute, then shake it off and get up. Time to grab a shower and get dressed for the day. I think about the day ahead as I shampoo my hair, trying to focus on the professional reason for spending the day with Jake, but my mind keeps going back to the thrill that raced through me every time he smiled at me when I was at the studio the other day.

I know it’s not professional, but I can’t help wondering if he’s really as good as he seems—with everything. His brain, because he seems really intelligent. I mean the man did write an international bestseller. His heart, because even though I don’t buy his bullshit, the things he said about making people’s lives better were really nice. And, of course, his tongue, for obvious reasons. I don’t want to admit it, but Jake seems like the total package. It could all just be an act, though. You can’t trust a man who makes his living selling sex.

But still...something about him makes me want to trust him. Or at least find out how much of what I see is the real deal.

Really, it would only be smart for me to find out. Maybe these are things I need to know in a professional capacity. For research. Yeah. That’s it. I need to know just how good Mr. Jacob Kent is off camera so that I can make a stronger case.

That’s all it is. Just business.


Jake opens the door to his office a few hours later and greets me with a smile that definitely doesn’t make my heart speed up. The way he looks me up and down as if he wants to memorize every inch of my body doesn’t make my breath hitch, either. And when he reaches out his hand and slides it around my waist to guide me into the room, his touch absolutely doesn’t turn my pussy into a total gusher. Nope. Not at all.

And I’m a fucking liar.

Holy shit, how could I forget just how strong this man’s raw sex appeal is in the few days since I’ve seen him? I’d chalked it up to the intensity of the moment. The fact that we met only moments after I watched another woman face fuck him. Of course the testosterone was pouring off him in waves then.

So why do I feel just as turned on now as he walks me across his office toward a high-end coffee machine that looks so complicated I’m not even sure a barista would know what to do with it?

“Coffee?” he murmurs, his smile slipping into more of a knowing smirk, and I wonder if he knows what kind of effect he’s having on me.

“Sure.” I watch as he expertly punches in a sequence of buttons, then the most delicious aroma fills the room within seconds. “Wow, you really know how to work that thing.” I mentally roll my eyes at the dumb comment.

Jake chuckles, and the

low sound sends shivers straight from my stomach to my clit, which is practically quivering with need now.

What in the actual fuck is he doing to me? Making me forget how to speak and act like I’ve never been around a sexy man before?

The sexy smirk that has me remembering all too clearly just what those lips are known for grows larger. “You could say I’m an expert at knowing what buttons to push.”

Apparently. He’s pushing all the right ones with me. If I don’t get my body under control—like right the fuck now—he’s going to have me so wet that my juices will run right down my legs. Not even joking.