The line between orgasm and enjoyment blurred. It all started to feel like one long explosion of pleasure until all I could do was bite the corner of the pillow.
Travis’ pace reached a fever pitch along with his breathing. He finally pounded deep into me, then clutched me hard and stayed still. I felt him twitch inside me several times, then sensed the deep warmth of his seed filling me.
God. That’s hot.
All at once, I felt completely drained. Travis rolled to the side, still inside me and I fell with him until he was spooning me from behind. There was a pleasant pulsing aftershock of pleasure between my legs that seemed to course through my entire body as I lay there. He started to stroke my hair, then kissed the back of my ear.
“You have an amazing ass.”
I laughed, feeling suddenly sleepy. “Is that your idea of pillow talk?”
“Can I admit something?” he asked.
“Sure,” I said. An irrational spike of dread ran through me. Was he going to tell me I did something wrong, or—
“I’ve never felt like this about someone. It’s different with you. Way different.”
“Yeah,” I said. I stared out the window of our hotel room at the darkened skyline and twinkling lights. The way I felt about him wasn’t like anything I’d ever felt, certainly. But the way I felt about myself was changing, too. I didn’t know how to process that, except for the relative certainty that it was an improvement. I liked this version of me more. I was more free. More fun. More alive. Just more.
“But there’s something I should tell you. Something you’re not going to like.”
Here it comes. Part of me had been expecting this. It was the moment I’d realized it really all had been too good to be true. “No,” I said. “We have two more days in New York. Can we just enjoy this and then you can tell me when we get back?”
Travis hesitated. “I don’t know if that’s smart.”
“Since when do you care what’s smart?”
“Fair point,” he said slowly. “Are you sure?”
“Yes,” I said. No. I’m just a coward and I haven’t got to feel this way long enough. I can pretend the bad news isn’t coming. I can do that for just two days. If this is the last time I get to feel this way, I want it to go on just a little longer. Is that so unreasonable? I turned around, feeling him slip out of me as I looked at him and cupped his face. I planted a kiss on his perfect lips. “Two days. You can tell me in two days, but until then, we’re going to pretend this conversation never happened.”
He gave me a sad smile, then nodded his head.
“Aren’t you usually the one pushing for bad ideas like this? Why are you giving me that look?”
“So you admit it’s a bad idea.”
I hesitated. “Yes. Obviously it’s a bad idea. But you started it by keeping a secret. This is your fault, and the least you can do is let me enjoy the rest of our trip in denial.”
I’d meant it as a kind of joke, but he just gave me a sad smile, then nodded again. “You got it. Two days.”
25 - Travis
We started our morning giving the animals some outside time. I knew Mr. Meatball was getting pissed when I caught him looming over the bed frame while I slept with Elizabeth last night. I was glad she hadn’t seemed to notice him. His creepy habits took a little getting used to.
Walking a cat and monitor lizard with a parrot on my shoulder drew a fair share of looks, but it seemed to do a good job of distracting Elizabeth from the time bomb hanging between us.
Fuck. I’d almost forgotten about it myself. I unhooked Mr. Meatball and Rat, who scurried into the hotel room to go snack on their breakfast. Windbag flew off, squawking about cargo shorts. He’d heard me giving my dad a hard time once and it became a favorite topic of his ever since. Birds were weird like that.
My conversation with Adrian hung over me like a dark cloud. I wasn’t the type of guy to dwell on the future, especially not with dread. Yet all I could think about while we ate a room service breakfast of pancakes, fruit, and orange juice was how fucking worried I was.
I just wanted to tell her. I’d put it off for this long, stupidly so, but now I was ready to figure out how bad the damage was and see if we could get past my mistake. I mean, was it really that big of a deal? So I was kind of prepared to bring her boss down if I had to in order to save the asses of myself and my friends. Was that so wrong?