“You mean… romantically?”

“Uh, well… I hadn’t really thought about that part. Then I’ll just say I’m feeling all those same things you are. Believe it or not, I asked myself at one point if I should maybe leave you alone, considering you kept asking me to.”

She smirked. “You’re serious?”

“Well, no, actually. The real thought was that I probably should be considering leaving you alone, but I had no legitimate plans to do it.”

“And I’m glad you kept blackmailing me into dates and weirdly faked an identity to get a job where I work.”

There was that damn guilt again. I forced a smile. “Yeah, me too.”

“Hey, what do you say you blackmail me into another date tonight? The shoot will be over soon and we’ll have the evening to ourselves?”

“Oh, no. Have I helped you form some kind of weird, unhealthy kink with being blackmailed into doing things you actually want to do?”

She shrugged, and damn, it was somehow a very sexy shrug. “No comment.”

“Alright. You’re coming out with me tonight or I’m going straight to Mrs. Glass and telling her you snore.”

“I don’t snore.”

“Yeah, snoring is maybe the wrong word. I’ll tell her you make rutting pig noises while you sleep.”

She slapped my hand. “I do not.”

“That’s the thing about blackmail. It doesn’t even have to be true.”

She folded her arms. “Fine. I guess I’ll go on a date with you.”



I could still taste the strawberry sauce from our dessert in my mouth when Travis kissed me. We backpedaled into the hotel room and he pulled the door shut behind us.

I must’ve drank more than I realized, because it felt like I needed to cling to him to keep the room from spinning. His tongue circled mine and I ran my hand up the nape of his neck to tangle in his hair.

Today, I’d finally let go of the last safety rope. I’d been dangling over an unknown abyss of feelings for him and clinging to that one last thread because I was too scared to fall.

I thought the fall would be scary. I thought I’d regret it or immediately see it as a mistake. Instead, all I felt was the thrill. That bottomless well of possibilities had called to me, and I’d embraced it. The fear of the unknown had terrified me, but I’d looked it in the eye and refused to flinch.

All my training to be the kind of woman who could run a company made me think of relationships as some sort of weakness. A surrender. Instead, I saw now how much strength it took to take that last step and just let go.

I let Travis overwhelm all other thoughts. Our arms and bodies tangled together as we stumbled blindly through the room, leaving scraps of clothing as we went. We fell on the bed together, still stripping off clothes and kissing.

“I want to taste you,” he murmured against my chin. His breath was warm and faintly sweet.

“Isn’t that what you’re doing already?”

“Not here.” His eyes blazed when he met mine, grinning and tapping my lower lip with his thumb.

“You want to—Oh,” I scooted back on the bed and braced myself against the pillow as he kissed down my neck and chest. All I had on were panties and a bra. He was only in a pair of black, tight-fitting boxers that hugged his ass deliciously.

I bit my lip hard as I watched the triangular muscles on his lower back flex and work as he moved his body lower and lower. He was a golden skinned God and somehow, he made me feel just as divine.

He pressed my legs open wider, kissing my inner thighs and the sensitive skin just above my panty line.

I took handfuls of the sheets, squirming even as he used his big, strong hands to hold me in place by my hips.

“I’ve been wanting to do this for weeks,” he said.

“You mean since you met me?”

“Yeah. I thought maybe you’d look less pissy if you’d just let someone give you an orgasm or two. I volunteered myself as tribute.”

Every word he spoke sent a little puff of heat directly against me there. I quivered with anticipation to have him so close to me—his mouth so close to me.

I hadn’t just been a virgin when it came to sex. I was a virgin in all areas except kissing and having my hand awkwardly placed on a guy’s crotch at a party. If anything, those early experiences had only convinced me that sex and all of its accessories were vastly overrated.

Travis was rapidly teaching me otherwise.

Just knowing what he was about to do made it feel like my insides were on fire. My skin prickled with hyper-sensitivity until just his hands on my hips felt like enough to make me want to buck against him and moan.