Elizabeth was actually sputtering. “Mrs. Glass, really, that’s—”
Mrs. Glass looked at a message on her phone and her expression darkened. She frowned, holding up a hand to cut off Elizabeth. “I’ve got to take this.”
“No worries, Mrs. Glass. I won’t let you down. I’ll help Elizabeth let loose and get a little wild. Guaranteed.”
Mrs. Glass flashed a tight smile before leaving the room with her phone.
Curious. The woman was clearly dealing with some personal drama, but what? I made a mental note to dig into that mystery when I had time. After all, I was sort of supposed to be gathering information while I worked here.
But Elizabeth was so much more fun. I looked at her and all my thoughts of Mrs. Glass and whatever she was hiding might as well have popped like bubbles on a sunny day.
Deep dark secrets could wait. Today, I was going to enjoy a grouchy woman who was overdue for a smile. And probably an orgasm.
“How do you do it?” I asked.
Travis was driving us out to a little town in the mountains I’d heard of but never visited. “Do what?” he asked.
He leaned back comfortably in his seat with one arm draped over the wheel and the other resting on the stick shift. His dress shirt sleeves were rolled up and the tanned skin of his forearms rippled with lean muscle. When he looked over at me, a chunk of his impossibly clean, bouncy hair flopped in front of his eye. The man was so frustratingly gorgeous it made me want to scream.
I lifted my hands and let them land on my thighs, searching for the right words. “It’s like the universe knows what you want and just bends over to make sure it happens.”
“The universe isn’t the one I want to bend over,” he said under his breath.
“Excuse me?”
“Hmm?” he asked, as if he hadn’t said a word. “How do I do it? I don’t know, actually. This is pretty much how it has always been for me. When I want something, I don’t give up. It has almost always worked out for me.”
“You mean there was a time something didn’t go your way?”
He smirked. “Once. But if a man reveals all his deep, dark mysteries too early, he risks losing the attention of the beautiful woman he’s trying to seduce.”
I hated how his cheesy words still made my insides feel like magma. I stared straight ahead, refusing to look at his face, because things only got worse when I did that.
“Basically,” he said. “I think if you spend long enough refusing to accept failure, success starts to feel inevitable.”
“And is that what this is for you?” I gestured between us and the car. “Success?”
“Our boss commanded me to take you on our third date and show you a wonderful time? Hell yes. This is a resounding success, and I’ve got the perfect day planned.”
“Planned? When did you have time to plan anything? We were both at the office until midnight last night.”
“Oh. I’ve had this date planned since a few days after we met. I’ve made a few tweaks and adjustments along the way as I got to know you better, but yeah. I knew exactly where I wanted to take you after the elephant thing.”
“So is this about sex?” I blurted. I wasn’t sure where that came from, other than my own unhealthy preoccupation with visions of what it’d look like if he had me alone in a dark room. Better yet, a room with the lights on.
He half turned, arching one of his perfectly thick eyebrows. “Pardon?” He asked in a mock French accent.
“I mean, you clearly can’t be interested in my personality. So is it just a conquest thing?” I wasn’t sure I even meant what I was asking, but I simply couldn’t accept he was interested in me. I guessed that was what made it all so maddening. He was objectively the most handsome man I’d ever met. Everybody who met him seemed to instantly fall in love. Even animals. He’d apparently never met a task he wasn’t able to completely crush. And if that wasn’t enough, the man seemed to have more money than God.
It was like trying to solve an impossible math equation. He kept telling me the answer, but no matter how many times I tried to run the numbers, it didn’t work out for me. Sex was all I could imagine. Maybe he was some sort of nymphomaniac who had a kink for seducing and sleeping with angry women.
“I like you,” he said simply. “I’ll keep telling you as long as you need to keep hearing it. It’s that easy, though. You’re a badass on the outside and a sweet, delicate thing on the inside. Who wouldn’t admire that? Someone with the heart to be soft and caring but the willpower and drive to hide it while they chase their dreams? Bad. Ass.”