I thought there was a hilarious euphemism about storming her gates or using the back door or something in there, but I was too distracted by that delicious scent she was wearing to find it.

The elevator opened to the roof. I discreetly shot off a text approximately a minute ago so my pilot could make a grand entrance. Just as planned, the helicopter was banking in towards the roof as we walked out. I spread my arms, turning toward her with a knowing smile. “I figure we can skip the traffic and get you back to your work more quickly.” I had to raise my voice to be heard over the roar of the engines.

The old helicopter to the roof trick was a guaranteed sploosh moment if there ever was one.

The pilot expertly banked facing the main force of wind away from us, but once the helicopter set down, we were buffeted by a rush of air. Elizabeth raised an arm over her eyes, then did an about-face and went straight for the elevator.

Oh. It appeared I may have miscalculated. Maybe the old helicopter ride to the first date move wasn’t her style.

I held up a finger for the pilot to wait, then jogged after her.

“You’re right,” I said once the doors closed, blocking out the chaos of sound and wind from the chopper. “Walking would be nice, too.”

“Are you insane?” she asked.

I pursed my lips and gave that question some real thought. “I’m not insane, no. I try not to think too hard about the things I do. Life’s more fun that way.”

She shook her head. “Let me guess. You paid for that penthouse with trust fund money, right?”

I shrugged. “A gentleman doesn’t talk about where his money comes from.”

She gave a humorless laugh. “Does a gentleman strong-arm women into dates with blackmail, too?”

“I never said I was a gentleman. And if you must know, I earned my money in… sales.”

“Sales?” she asked. The elevator let us out and I led her to the less fancy lift that took people everywhere but to the penthouse and the roof.

“What do you sell?”

“Anything,” I said. “That’s why I do so well. I could sell you those shoes on your feet.”

“Who do you work for?” she asked.

“I’m flattered you’re so interested in me, but really I asked you to lunch because I’m interested in you. I know you dress for business when you’re sick and working from home. I know you exercise, take care of yourself, and I’m guessing you do yoga. I’m also almost positive you’re a virgin.”

Her mouth popped open soundlessly. I couldn’t help chuckling.

“Sorry. But your face is telling me I nailed that.”

“I said I’d go to lunch with you, but I never said I’d speak to you.” She folded her arms, and her expression went stony.

“Suit yourself. I can talk for both of us.”

We left the elevator and headed into the lobby. “Why does that not surprise me?”

“You know, sarcasm is a form of humor. You’re not as hopeless as you look. I can work with sarcasm.”

Her nostrils flared. She was walking with her arms crossed. I’d tried that once and discovered you had to be seriously determined to look pissed if you resorted to walking with your arms crossed.

“The place I had in mind is—”

“No,” she said. “You didn’t say you got to pick. I have to meet my mother, so we’re going to Enzo’s. It’s two blocks away. And aren’t you going to complain that I wasted your helicopter ride?”

“You’re really bad at not talking.”

It was chillier than I expected outside. Chillier than the Frost Queen expected too, because she folded her arms even tighter around herself.

“I’d be happy to put my arm around you while we walk,” I said. “Usually, I’d try my luck and go for it. In this case, I think I should ask if you’re going to try to break it in half or bite me if I—”

“Don’t you dare,” she said through tight lips.

Fair enough. I walked beside her through the city. It was a gorgeous night. Maybe a little cold, but the sun was out and the sky was clear. A young couple across the street was laughing about something with ice cream cones in their hands. Definitely a first date.

I knew my family and friends thought I was never going to settle down. They saw me as a careless playboy. Always some new girlfriend, some new fling. But they didn’t understand the complexities of my heart. Nobody did.

“I’m excited to meet your mother. I didn’t realize we’d already moved to that stage of the relationship, but I can introduce you to Hal and Harole on our next date. You’ll love ‘em. They’re total dorks.”

She side-eyed me. “You shouldn’t be excited to meet my mother. She’s going to hate you.”

“Challenge accepted. But to make this a fair game, I want a hint or two. What does she like?”