“So I jump your bones?”

“Fuck yeah.”

I chuckle and press a soft kiss on his smooth, hard jaw. “Also you really need to get rid of that lingering pink paint from your truck. Even Callie thinks that it looks weird on your manly black truck.”

He dips his face toward me, his lips ever so closer. “Well then you should tell her that I’m not too manly for pink. And neither am I too manly for flowers. Either loving them. Or drawing them.”

I clench my thighs then.

Because he’s right.

He’s so totally not too manly for either pink or flowers.

Because he drew one – a pink flower – on my body last night. Before he loved the one that’s in between my thighs.

Actually he’s drawn several of them over the past few weeks.

Now along with writing his name on my skin, he draws on it as well. On my thighs, my belly, my breasts, my collar bones, the back of my knee, the back of my neck. And then once he’s done, he loves me and fucks me all gently like I’m really a flower.

And when that is done, it’s my turn.

To draw on him.

To paint him with colors.

In fact, I made a pretty little rose on his right shoulder blade last night and colored it pink.

“You do know though that you suck at drawing, don’t you?” I ask, raising my eyebrows.

Oh, he totally does.

He’s the worst with drawing. Or anything artistic.

He squeezes my waist. “You mean like you suck at soccer.”

I chuckle. “Yes. You’re as good at art as I’m at soccer.” Then, “But I love it. When you draw on my body.”

“I know,” he rasps.

I go to say something but a voice cuts through the moment. Ledger’s.

“Get a room, you two.”

Oh shit.

I’d completely forgotten that we weren’t alone.

I mean that’s nothing new. I always forget the world when I’m in his arms. But now as I look around, Callie and Reed are gone but Ledger is still on the couch, and I blush.

Conrad notices my red cheeks and without taking his eyes off me, he addresses Ledger, “Go away.”

Which Ledger does a second later, grumbling.

Gosh I love how dominating Conrad is. And how all his siblings jump to do his bidding at his one word.

My thorn.

I throw him a mock frown then, tightening my fists in his shirt. “Oh no, not Ledger. I liked when he was here.”

That gets me the reaction I was looking for.

Growly and jealous.

Which is so ridiculous. Especially when I’ve already explained it to him the reason why Ledger asked me out in the first place.

Just after he took me away from my parents’ party and we got together, Ledger’s topic came up – Conrad wanted to talk to him – and I told him that there was no need for that. Because there was no way Ledger had any interest in me. He likes Tempest. Who apparently likes him back as well. Only Ledger hasn’t gotten his shit together yet as Callie said.

But anyway, since then Conrad has had a talk with Ledger – despite my protestations – and Ledger has explained to Conrad as well that he didn’t mean anything by it and that Ledger was happy for the both of us.

But still my thorn gets prickly when Ledger’s around. And since I’m his flower, a slightly naughty flower, I try to take advantage of it.

His hand moves up and makes a fist in my hair, pulling my head back. “Stop talking.”

Clenching my thighs again, I smile slowly. “You’re so easy.”

His eyes narrow. “I don’t like the way he looks at you.”

I chuckle because he’s crazy.

And so adorable.

So I give him another soft kiss. “He doesn’t look at me at all. He likes someone else, remember? I told you. Even Callie talked about it just now.”

His eyes remain narrowed and his grip in my hair tightens even more. “Yeah, no. I don’t think I believe that. I haven’t noticed anything.”

“That’s because you never notice anything other than me,” I tell him.

At this, he loses his frown and hums. “Yeah, that may be the case.”

“And because you’re fucking clueless.”

At the F word, his body goes all tight, his eyes turning bright and dominating. “Language.”

Oh God.

He should seriously stop being so sexy. We’re at his sister’s house.

“What about it?” I ask, twisting my fists in his shirt.

“Watch it.”

I bite my lip to control my smile. “Why, because you’ve got a sister my age?”

He bends down slightly, as if to intimidate me. “No because I said so.”

I widen my eyes. “Yes, sir.”

A shudder runs through him then, his fingers flexing in my hair, my waist where he’s still holding me all possessively. “You remember what I told you? About you calling me sir.”

Peering at him through my eyelashes, I nod. “You said that if I ever called you sir again, you’d make sure that that’s what I call you forever.”