“I’m just…” I begin, sighing and this time, Callie grabs my hands to give me the strength that I need. “It’s still hard for me to believe that my dad got him arrested. It’s just so surreal to me.”

And the fact that my father has been involved in such illegal things.


It’s like I never knew my dad. Or maybe I did. I just didn’t want to see it.

“Oh and Miss Halsey,” Callie goes. “I can’t believe she told on you guys. And to your dad. I mean wow. That obnoxious freaking rat. If I’d known. I would’ve taken her down. I swear to God.”

It’s not a surprise that Callie, my best friend, would say this. Because my other best friends, Poe and Salem, have said similar things when they found out what Helen had done.

In fact, I had to actively stop Poe – multiple times – from pranking Helen at school.

First, because Poe was already – is already – in a lot of trouble. Gosh, I feel so bad about her and her situation right now. And second because according to Conrad, he’d already taken care of it, of Helen.

Even though it was a little hard for me to believe in the beginning. That Helen would stay quiet and not try to go after us again.

She didn’t though.

Which is a good thing for many, many reasons.

One of them being that the last month at St. Mary’s was… tough.

I got to go back to St. Mary’s, yes – all thanks to Conrad – and I’m so grateful for that because I know I would’ve missed my best friends. But as I always knew would happen, there were rumors.

People had already seen Conrad being taken away. And then I was taken away later that day in my dad’s car, and I didn’t come back until a couple of days later.

So yeah there were rumors and questions.

It’s actually a wonder that Callie hadn’t figured it all out before I told her. But I guess her pregnancy has been difficult on and off and that kept her occupied those last few weeks.

But I have to say that as difficult as those last weeks were, there were some silver linings.

Like for example, Principal Carlisle took over my counseling so I didn’t have to see Helen. Which worked out great because even though I had stopped my friends from taking any sort of drastic action against Helen, I don’t know what I would’ve done if I had come in direct contact with her.

I’m not a violent person but just the thought that she tried to hurt Conrad makes me boil with rage.

So much rage.

But anyway like I stopped my friends, I stopped myself as well.

Especially because I didn’t want to create another scandal when we’d barely managed to come out unscathed from the previous one.

Especially because not only did I get to go back to St. Mary’s, but Conrad also got to stay on the faculty for those last weeks.

This was not an easy feat at all though.

I first had to convince him to come back. Which he wasn’t ready to do because of our relationship. But when I explained and re-explained how his absence might affect Callie – whom we were still keeping in the dark because of her pregnancy and stuff – he agreed.

And then there was Principal Carlisle.

She wasn’t in favor of this at all. In fact she even involved the new principal in this decision, Principal Marshall.

When I heard of that, I lost hope. After so many stories about Mr. Marshall from Poe, I thought he’d never agree to this in a million years.

But somehow, he did.

He agreed to bring Conrad on for the last few weeks. As long as Conrad promised to not have any interaction with me during school hours and my grades were handled by Coach TJ.

“I know,” I say, squeezing Callie’s hands. “I’m just glad that it’s over. I’m glad Helen didn’t do anything. Conrad got to keep his job. And that my dad seems to have backed off as well.”

Along with not contacting me, my parents – my dad specifically – haven’t contacted or gotten in touch with Conrad either. They haven’t done anything to harm Conrad or hurt his reputation.

Sort of like Helen.

“All thanks to your Reed,” I continue.

Which makes her blush and whisper, “He’s pretty amazing, isn’t he?”

I smile. “He totally is. I always told you.”

Oh, Callie and Reed are totally back together now. In fact, they’re married; they got married a couple of days ago.

Something that I really, really wished for. Because not only Reed is amazing, but he’s also perfect for my best friend. He makes her happy like Conrad makes me happy. And I’m just so ecstatic that they were able to put their differences aside and come together.

Oh and another happy news: they have a baby!