Which for the most part is correct. On the surface.

But then, what if Helen hasn’t said anything?

What if Conrad managed to stop her?

He said to trust him, right?

So maybe he talked to her before school and got it all sorted out. And me going to Principal Carlisle would be the biggest disaster of all.

So maybe I should stay here in the cafeteria, eat my breakfast like nothing has happened and wait for him to find me first.

To tell me exactly what is happening so I can react accordingly, because things look normal so far.

Until they don’t.

Until the door of the cafeteria is flooded with all the people that I’ve been thinking about, Principal Carlisle and teachers. Well, only a few teachers, but also the vice principal, the principal’s assistant and the vice-principal’s assistant.

And a man.

A dark man. Threatening and severe.

Or at least that’s what he looks like to me because of what my state of mind is.

He has slightly curly hair, or rather wavy, dark in color, chocolate brown if I have to pick a shade. His eyes are dark as well. Maybe chocolate brown again; I can’t tell from this far. And his jaw is the kind that you think is forever clenched because the muscles on it, the slant of it is so severe and taut.

That’s what makes him look like a threat, I decide.

Or someone you shouldn’t mess with.

That and his shoulders.

His chest.

Massive and broad under the dark gray shirt that he has on, and a jacket. A dark gray tweed jacket.

I’m not sure who he is and what he’s doing here and why he’s regarding us all with a grave expression, but I don’t have a good feeling about this.

Not a good feeling at all.

I’m already starting to stand up, with the intention of approaching their group that has come to stand up front by the food bar, and taking whatever it is they’re here to dole out to us. Because they’re here for us, aren’t they? For Conrad and me. Only I don’t understand the purpose of their coming here like this.

But then all my intentions vanish when I hear a fist thumping on the table.

It’s Poe.

And she’s glaring.

At that threatening, severe man.

Why would she be…

And then I get it.

We all get it, Callie and Salem and me.

It finally clicks: tweed jacket.

We’re all about to say something to Poe, opening our mouths, when Principal Carlisle speaks. “Good morning, everyone. I apologize for interrupting your breakfast like this. I understand that it’s highly unusual and you all might be confused, but there’s nothing to worry about. There’s something I would like to share with you and I thought that it would be better doing it in person rather than sending out a mass email or announcing it in the school newsletter. And since we don’t have assemblies at St. Mary’s, this seemed like a good time.”

She throws us all a small smile. “I’m both pleased and saddened to announce that I will be leaving my position as the principal of St. Mary’s at the end of this year.”

The room that had gone silent at their abrupt and strange arrival erupts in murmurs. But one look from Principal Carlisle and everyone shuts up. “I’ve been extremely lucky to be a part of this institution for as long as I have. I’ve cherished every moment that I’ve spent here. I’ve cherished every student and I’ve tried to help them as best as I could. This school has been a big part of my life for years, sometimes my whole life, but now it’s time to move on.”

With that she turns to the man beside her, who hasn’t shown any emotion throughout this little speech. “And as bittersweet as this moment is, I’m very glad to be leaving it in extremely capable hands. This is Mr. Marshall. He has been on the board for a long time now and when I expressed my desire to leave, he was more than happy to step in. Which means, starting next term, he’s going to be your new principal. Principal Marshall.”

She goes on to say something more and then hands clap in welcome and excited conversations resume. But I don’t care about any of that. I’m more concerned about Poe. We all are.

Who’s still glaring at him.

Callie is the first to speak. “Is that… your…”

Poe narrows her eyes behind her glasses.

And that’s our answer.

It’s her guardian who wears tweed jackets with elbow patches. And who up until now we all thought was super old because Poe kept lying about his age. He’s definitely not old, that’s for sure.

“But he’s like, very…” Salem trails off when Poe snaps her eyes over to her.

“Don’t say it,” she says, all deadly calm.

“Sorry,” Salem mumbles.

I know what she was going to say though.

Something that didn’t occur to me right when I first saw him.