That thick vein that I think — I think — I felt throbbing when he was inside of me last week. I think it expanded when he came and I’m so eager to see if it does the same when I make him come now.

In my mouth.

So I abandon this game too.

Which is just as well because I think I’ve made him angry with my callous games. I’ve made him all aggressive again with the way he’s staring down at me with slitted eyes and clenched fists.

So I bite my lip and give him a look of contrition through my eyelashes.

But that only makes him growl even more.

It only makes his dick jump in my hands and ooze pre-cum, which I catch with my tongue, swirling it around the head, licking it clean, my whole body shivering at his salty, musky taste.

And then I don’t let go.

I don’t let his dick leave my mouth after that. I keep it on my tongue, my lips stretching around it as I suck and suck. As I lean forward and push it inside more.

At which point his fists unfurl and his hands grab the back of my head, fisting my hair. Not pushing on me, no. But just there, like a dark but cozy threat.

A threat that makes me even more excited to keep going.

To shove him even further into my mouth, and after a few tries and some gagging, I do get to do it. I do get him deeper, touching the roof of my mouth, the back of it.

But a second later, I’m ripped off from his cock and pulled up. And before I can even blink, he spins me around and hauls up my ass.

My hands go to the windows of his truck and I turn back, panting. “But I…”

He’s in the process of shoving up my dress and pulling down my lacy panties when he looks up, all mad and obsessed. “No more, you understand? We’re not playing this game anymore. We’re not playing ‘Let’s see how goddamn crazy we make Conrad with Bronwyn’s dick-sucking mouth.’” He finishes that with a tight slap on my ass that makes me moan as he continues, “I’m over that now.”

I fist his sweater as I stare back at him with somehow both drugged and eager eyes. “But did you like it? Did you see? I almost took it all. I almost —”

He cuts me off by coming for my swollen mouth again like he can’t bear to hear me talk right now. Like he can’t bear to be away from it, from giving me his kisses.

His lovely thorn kisses.

“Yeah, baby, I saw,” he both coos and growls then, his mouth sucking on my lips. “And it was fucking phenomenal, yeah? And one day I’ll come in your mouth and watch myself drip down your chin. Or maybe I’ll come on your tits” — he reaches forward to grab one and squeeze over my dress — “hose them down with my cream. And then I’ll stand over you and watch as you rub my cum all over your milkmaid tits. So you smell like me. But for now, I need a ride in that prime pussy, okay? It’s been seven days. Seven fucking days and I have thought of nothing else. Nothing else, Bronwyn. Not the game, not practice. Just getting inside that pinky pussy and beating it up.”

How can I refuse him then?

How can I be a bratty selfish teenager and tell him to let me suck his cock when he needs my pussy so much?

When this is all he’s thought about.

So I kiss him back and whisper, “Okay.”

A wave of emotion runs over his features at my easy acquiescence before they go harsh again, dripping with demon lust, and I feel him position himself at my soft, soppy entrance.

I feel his head nudging my hole for a second before he pushes it in.

And keeps going and going until he bottoms out.

Until it feels like he’s up in my belly, nudging my womb.

He groans then, smacking my ass again as if he can’t contain his pleasure. And I swear, I swear to fucking God, I feel that vein I was playing with swell up and throb. My one hand twists in his sweater and the other slips on the window as I go up on my tiptoes, arching my ass even further so he can go up even higher.

And then I’m moaning in his mouth because he’s kissing me as he starts moving.

As he starts pumping into me.

Slowly, lazily at first.

Because I think he’s giving me time to adjust. Because I’m still almost a virgin, see. I’m still all tight and fresh because I’ve only had him twice on one night. Last Friday.

So despite being all crazy to get to me, to get at my pussy, my Conrad is giving me all the time in the world.