“Breathe through your nose. You can take more.”

Alora gagged a little, but she loved the feel of him in her mouth. He had control, but so did she.

Adam pulled back as it got to be too much, but she didn’t want him to stop. He showed her how long and deep he wanted it, and she learned everything he liked. Especially when he saw his cock covered in her saliva appearing.

“Yeah, baby. Fuck, I’m so close. You’re going to have to stop if you don’t want a mouthful of my cum.”

She wanted to taste him, to swallow him down. To please him, make him proud of her.

Adam pulled out until only the tip of him was in her mouth, and then he came. Each pulse sending a wave of cum into her mouth, and Alora swallowed him down, tasting every single drop.

After she was done, Adam picked her up in his arms and moved her toward the sofa, bending her over the back so her stomach was at the edge. He pushed her legs wide, and she moaned as filled her with his fingers.

“I’m nearly hard for you again, baby. I have no idea what it is about you, but I can’t get enough of you. You’ve done something to me.”

His fingers stroked her pussy, caressing from her clit to her entrance, then back again. He worked her until she was close to orgasm. His hands disappeared, but then she felt the hard tip of his cock as he pushed inside her.

Inch after inch, filling her to the brim.

“Touch your pussy, Alora. I want you to come on my dick.”

His hands were in her hair, pulling her back as he rode her. “Look at us,” he said.

Alora turned her head to see their reflections in his windows. They were too far up to be seen from below, but with it being so dark outside, the windows were more like mirrors. She saw them both clearly, and it aroused her. Adam’s naked body a work of art itself.

She didn’t know when he had, but he’d removed his pants and was completely naked.

They made a perfect picture. One she was so pleased to see.

With her hand on her pussy, she watched his cock as he filled her, sliding in and out, going deep. Each time he fucked into her, she felt him hitting hard and deep against her womb. The pleasure so intense.

It didn’t take long for her to find her release, and she watched Adam as he tensed up, filling her pussy with his cum as he found his second release. The man was a machine.

She had no idea what she was doing anymore.


“There’s no way this account should go to her. She is too young and too inexperienced,” Marvin said.

Adam stared at the man with a slightly balding head. There was a time when his work was the most sought after, but in the past couple of years, Adam had experienced more client complaints that Marvin wouldn’t listen to the true vision of the client.

Upset clients meant bad business.

He knew from a quick glance at Marvin’s complaint that Alora had been requested multiple times to redo his work.

This wasn’t good.

“Marvin, your complaint is unfounded. Miss Harris’s work speaks for itself, and I cannot force clients to come to you.” He also couldn’t find a good enough reason to fire Marvin. There were older clients who preferred Marvin just because he was a man. Some older men didn’t trust women in charge of important projects.

Adam hated it, but that was life.

“I thought you would say that, and so I thought it was only fair that I showed you this,” Marvin said.

He turned his cell phone around and showed him a private video of him and Alora. It was taken just yesterday.

Adam hadn’t realized anyone was on his floor, but he’d asked Alora to come to his office. It could have been much worse. There was nothing damaging. Alora wasn’t naked, and he wasn’t fucking her.

After talking with Daniel, his personal assistant had come up with the genius idea of helping to bring Alora’s fantasy world to life, and so he’d done that. His office had been tastefully done with Christmas decorations. Nothing too much, just a tree, some fairy lights, and a couple of snowflakes hanging from the ceiling. He’d organized the best picnic hamper from the famous deli close to his office building.

Daniel had figured out the rest, like the handmade quilted Christmas blanket, the wine, and the music. Alora was his date.

She looked so happy.

“Your point being?”

“Alora is only in this position because she’s fucking the boss. I don’t think this is the kind of information you would like getting out to your other colleagues.”

Adam looked at Marvin, instantly disgusted by the man. “You think you can blackmail me? Alora got to her position within this company because of her work ethic and her ability to do her job. Unlike you, Marvin, who refuses to listen and has outdated ideas. She carries your ass, and this is how you repay her.” He stood.