This week, he’d already been looking at engagement diamonds. It was stupid and pre-mature, but when he saw something he wanted, he didn’t hold back. Adam had spent a lifetime alone, never expecting to experience a real connection with a woman, and certainly didn’t think he’d ever have a family. Alora made him think of the impossible.

“I’ve never had a boyfriend,” she said. “I want to be excited, but how many others are there? I don’t like the idea of sharing you with a hoard of your women.”

“Only you.”

“Since when?” she asked.

“Since you walked home with me last week.” He tucked a loose blonde wave of hair behind her ear. “You make me want more.”

He’d always hated the holidays. They were lonely and full of broken dreams and memories. Maybe this year could be different.

Christmas was only eight days away.

Chapter Five

Alora couldn’t believe she was doing this.

“I can feel you looking at me,” she said.

“That’s because I am. You’re a dream. You better get used to me looking at you, because, baby, I love what I see.”

He hadn’t said he loved her, which was fine with Alora. She couldn’t believe how fast they were moving. From a party, to an agreement, to a relationship, and now this. She sat in his apartment, completely naked with a canvas in front of her, at just the right angle to make it perfect.

Adam sat across from her, his shirt open at the collar, a drink in hand, looking the part of the entitled businessman.

“You do know this is deeply inappropriate. I would never consider doing this for any client.”

“And I’d never ask this of any other artist who wasn’t my girlfriend.”

It had been two days since he’d told her she was his girlfriend. Alora still couldn’t believe she had a boyfriend. Of course, it came close to Christmas and she’d used every available spare minute she had to try to find the perfect Christmas gift for him. So far, she couldn’t figure out what to give him. Her opportunities were even scarcer than usual, seeing as Adam took all of her free time outside of work.

She also hadn’t been back to her apartment in two days. The clothes she wore came from his personal assistant, Daniel, who had a keen eye and was a nice guy. They’d met a couple of times now.

Staring at her canvas, she allowed inspiration to flow. Adam had told her everything he loved. He’d tried to tell her all his dislikes, but she didn’t want to know them, not yet. For her painting, she only wanted to think like Adam, to see the world through his eyes. Not the businessman, but the man.

He was a person of depth, and she learned he loved nature, the changing seasons, especially the colors of fall. So she felt inspired to do a picture of the city, but with the two changeable seasons, going from fall to winter.

Adam got up from his seat and moved close to her. His fingers grazed the back of her neck, and she gasped as he pulled her close, his lips dancing over her neck, right against her pulse. She closed her eyes as her whole body came alive. He tilted her head back, and his lips were on hers. Dropping the pencil, she moved, crawling to her knees on the cushion, and held on to his waist.

Her tits pressed against his stomach, and she felt the hard length of him. She slid her hand down, cupping him, feeling the stiffness of his length in her palm. She loved how hard he was, and it was all for her.

“I want to feel those lips wrapped around my dick,” he said.

She couldn’t resist sliding her tongue across her lips, imagining him in her mouth. Feeling bold, she went to the belt of his pants, sliding it through the loop and releasing him.

“Fuck, Alora, you make me crazy.”

She tugged his zipper down and pushed his pants until they fell to his knees. The boxers showed the outline of his dick perfectly, and she traced the length of him with her finger before easing his boxer briefs down.

His shaft stood out, thick, long, and hard. The tip was slick.

Adam took her hand, wrapping her fingers around his dick, working from the root up to the tip, showing her what he liked. “Lick me,” he said.

She pressed her tongue to the tip, tasting his salty pre-cum. It wasn’t enough. Alora put her mouth on his tip and sucked him.

“Oh, fuck, yeah. Fuck, that feels good.”

Staring up the length of his body, she made sure not to use her teeth as she sucked more of him until he hit the back of her throat. She was only halfway down his length. Adam wrapped her hair around his fist.

She pulled off him. “Show me what you like. Show me what drives you crazy.” Alora put her mouth back on him, and he showed her exactly what he liked. When he hit her throat, he held still for several seconds before moving a little deeper.