He never had to wonder what she required; she told him. To his goddess, he wasn’t a burden to be endured. He was a partner. A prize. There’s no going back now.

A sense of contentment took up residence deep inside him. This was Nevaeh on Earth. He blinked. A key had always been within his grasp. Only a single decision away: forgive. You couldn’t overcome evil with evil, only good. To him, Viola was everything good.

From the darkest of destinies to the brightest of them all. He grinned. Any lingering trace of his bitterness dissolved, gone forever. There was no room for it. He’d had no right to hold on to it, anyway. No right to judge or cast stones. Look at the deeds he himself had committed for lesser reasons. In fighting for the one he loved, he’d become everything he’d once despised.

Viola was right; she deserved better. Too bad for her, she wouldn’t get it. She was stuck with Brochan, as he would not be letting her go. Ever. He didn’t think he loved this female; he knew it. He loved her with the whole of his being.

Love, the healer of all wounds.

But what happened if he failed her test?

His body jerked in denial. He couldn’t let himself fail. But he couldn’t pass, either. What was he going to do?

Sensing his tension, she stirred against him. "Brochan?”

“I’m here, kitten.” He kissed her temple, luxuriating as she rubbed against him.

“Good.” She blinked open her eyes, all sleepy and soft, and offered him a tender expression. “How much did I rock your world?”

“Impossible to measure,” he admitted, and she beamed.

“You’ve hung around me so long, you’ve gotten smarter!” Dimming a bit, she nibbled on her bottom lip. “So? Do you want to know how much you rocked my world?”

“I already know.” His chest swelled with pride. “I clued in when you screamed my name instead of your own.”

“That was a surprise, wasn’t it?” She linked her fingers and rested her chin in the center, directly over his heart. “I mean, I’m the goddess, but you’re the one over here working miracles.”

The corners of his mouth twitched. He adored this soft, playful side of her. He also adored her full assurance of her power over him. Her confidence fed his.

“What would you like to do today?” he asked.

“Are you taking a day off?”

“I am. We can explore the realm or even remain in bed if we so desire. For the record, I vote we remain in bed.”

“Sorry, darling, but this boss babe has a full schedule. Top on the agenda is apologizing to McCadden whether he likes it or not. I’ll need your help because I’ve never actually apologized for anything before and meant it. Also, I’d like to plan my renovation of the palace. We’ll take an orgasm break every hour, of course, but this needs to be done if we’re going to be ready for our engagement party next week. I mean it. No distracting me more than a few dozen times today. I can’t wait to show you off to my acquaintances.”

He went still. Everything she’d said hit him with the veracity of a speeding car, all but wiping his brain of all thought. “Every hour? Engaged? Show me off? Me?” The most amazing emotion choked him. She wanted to be with him. Out of every male in every realm, she’d chosen him.

“We are wed, just to be clear,” he managed to say.

“Darling, if I married every man who considered himself my husband, I’d be arrested in countless realms. Consider yourself engaged until you pass my test. Besides,” she rushed on as he opened his mouth to protest, “we haven’t jumped the most essential hurdle. Fluffy must accept you as his father.”

She’d called him darling. He very much approved of the endearment. “We saved your life together.” Without Fluffy, Viola would have died. “He accepts me.” And if he didn’t, Brochan would work until his claim came true. He owed the baby everything.

Viola rolled her eyes as she oh, so clearly fought a contented smile. “You are so in love with me, it’s embarrassing.”

Terrifying? World-changing? Yes. Embarrassing? No.

How soon would she insist on issuing her test?

His good humor drained. “Forget lazing about in bed. Let’s dress and do something.” A distraction would do him some good. Give him time to think and plan. How could he win and lose at the same time?

She gave a mock mournful sigh. “All right, but I think we both know you’re only making me do this so you can watch me prance about naked.”

Raising his brows, he asked, “Can you blame me?” He would never tire of gazing upon the perfection of all perfections.

“Not in the slightest.” Unable to hide a dream-hazed grin, she pressed a hasty kiss to his lips then scrambled from the bed. “You are so lucky you won me.”