“Cum in me,” I moaned, as I felt him getting close.

“What was that?”

“Cum in me,” I nearly shouted, “Now. Please. I want to feel us cum at the same time.”

“No problem,” he said, with a grin.

Picking up the pace, which pushed me over the edge, he stayed inside me as we both succumbed. He was filling me with his warm cum, warming me from the inside, as my pussy shook and quivered with the thrill of my own orgasm.

Epilogue – Pauline

It sounded like a woodpecker. Light rhythmic raps on the painted oak door, which was closed to keep the bad luck out as I prepared.

“Come in,” I called out loudly, trying to be heard.

“Tight security,” Adam said, closing the door behind him.

“One can never be too careful.”

“How’s the wee one?”

He gently stroked my baby bump as I fiddled with my veil. I didn’t usually like that, but Adam had become one of my best friends and I knew he only meant well by it.

What I’d once taken as a stand-offish attitude towards me turned out to mostly be a cold attention to detail. He could be sweet as sugar cream pie if you got his attention.

“Mercifully quiet. I might even be able to make it all the way through.”

I wasn’t that far along, but the little one was just unusually active, kicking like a step-dancer at the oddest times. We were determined to be married before she was born. It took a lot of hectic planning, but the day had finally arrived.

“We’re nearly ready for you,” Adam said.

“Okay, we’ll be down in a minute,” I said, already speaking in the collective.

The last notes of the canon faded as I got to the doors. The music was one of many things arranged by Seth Black. He really did take care of his artists, in a way that was almost alien to the industry.

It likely helped that he was an artist himself. His band, Autumn Corrosion, was a bit before my time, but my sister loved them.

“Ready?” Stephanie asked, smiling at me.

“Is anyone ever totally ready on time?”

“Nope,” she and all my other bridesmaids agreed, each hugging me in turn.

“I’m glad it’s not just me and my normal last-minute procrastination,” I admitted, while everyone laughed.

In addition to Stephanie, there was also her sister Jonna Black, Seth’s young wife, and Holly Jones, his receptionist turned personal assistant, who was married to the bassist in Loki’s Laugh. The label really seemed more like a family, with all sorts of interesting connections.

Of course, my sister was a bridesmaid— even though she was older than me and we weren’t super close, I didn’t want to leave her out— and Becca was my maid of honor. She winked at me, and I knew then that I was ready to get this party started.

The organ rucked up once more and it was go-time. With Stephanie at my back, I made the walk, always focused on the altar where Derek waited for me.

It was odd seeing him wearing a shirt, but I was more than ready to look past it, no matter how uncomfortable he seemed. I was looking forward to when I would be able to take it off, along with the rest of his tux.

Our bandmates were his groomsmen, and they looked so happy for us. Everyone had ended up understanding that I couldn’t play, and were making due without me for now. I still worked in the workshop now and again, fixing instruments to take my mind off of wishing I could be doing performances.

Time flew by and the words, though written ourselves, seemed like they were spoken by someone else. The only part that really stuck was the bit about kissing the bride, which Derek partook with passion and grace. More than one wolf whistle sounded from the congregation.

Dinner and dancing were never really my style, mostly from a lack of opportunity than actual distaste, but I managed to make an exception. The reception was as lovely as the rumors that later circulated said, with ice sculptures and all the rest.

“Where’s Thom?” I asked, not seeing our friend in the throng of guests who were celebrating.

“Behind the swan,” Hank said, popping up out of nowhere, “gettin’ hot and heavy with Ana.”

“Nice to hear she’s feeling better,” Derek said.

“And how,” Hank winked.

“She?” I asked, when Hank was out of earshot.

I was kind of surprised, and he knew exactly what I meant.

“Oh, yeah, Thom isn’t gay; he’s just really a really sensitive straight guy. He read a lot of novels, which is really good for the ole’ empathy.”

“What does Adam read, then?” I joked.

“Mostly military history and instruction manuals.”

“I figured.”

From the reception, it was straight back to the hotel. Both of us were buzzing with anticipation. We’d had sex lots before, but never as husband and wife. A new chapter of our lives was about to begin, and we couldn’t wait to get started.