I was normally a cautious, reserved man, who saved my fun play for women who signed a contract agreeing to be my pet for one night only and then to never see me again.

But Petra was different. I wanted all of her, all the time, already, and I hadn’t even had a taste of her in real life.


Chapter Seven – Petra

It was your typical winter morning, where a slight breeze would tingle across your bare skin and send chills up your spine that made you shiver. Ducking back under my unintentionally discarded covers, I warmed up again, getting myself into something of a catch-22.

Swaddled like a Roman Senator, I closed the distance between the bed and the dresser, with only my feet feeling the brunt of the cold, which was made even worse by the marble tiles on the floor. The room must have been delightful in the summer. I was only sorry I wouldn’t be here to experience it. But as far as life regrets went, that one would hardly be the worst.

Slipping on a sweater that reached my knees, and which therefore was more like a dress in its functionality, as well as some awkwardly sockless shoes, I stepped out into the open indoors. The sweater had black and white matching Pugsley Addams stripes and Theo had bought it for me, I suspected as a joke, one Christmas. It was no doubt a poke at my recent discovery of, and subsequent obsession with, the 90’s era cinematic rebirth of Charles Addams’ gleefully gothic clan.

I would have preferred a Wednesday Addams style dress, but I still treasured the silly sweater, anyway, because it was from him. And because it was given in good natured teasing, which was the best kind of gift, as far as I could tell.

The kitchen and dining room area was unusually silent. Usually Adam would be here, knowing how he sticks to his routine. I tried to keep hold of my wits, hating the separation anxiety that liked to strike me when I was alone.

I was on the fourth floor before I heard it. Stress already kicked into high gear as the search went on. Just to know he was there, that I wasn’t completely alone, was more than enough to stop the paralyzing anxiety.

A muffled noise from the end of the hall was my first lead as to where he might be. As I approached the door in slow silence, the sound became more distinct as well as familiar. It was Adam alright, and he seemed to be enjoying himself very much.

Curiosity burned inside me as I continued inching to the door, my heart pounding in anticipation of what I might see. Too nervous to open the door, I got down on my knees, putting my eye to the old-fashioned keyhole that let me see right through into the room.

Although the floor was cool on my knees, there was nothing but heat between my thighs. The sight of Adam’s big cock as he stroked himself lit a fire inside me like nothing had before. Despite my being a virgin, I’d always been sexually curious, first figuring out how to touch myself when I was twelve.

Despite such an early start all on my own, I didn’t dare experiment with anyone else, never quite confident enough to invite anyone else to play. Not that there weren’t a good many candidates. My own shyness was as much a culprit as anything else. Plus, I was afraid of pregnancy and diseases.

It had seemed easier to just keep my experimentation to myself. But now that I saw Adam doing the same thing, I wanted to be with another person— him— for my first time ever so bad that it nearly hurt. My mouth actually watered as I watched him stroke.

His hand was softly caressing his throbbing cock as he moaned out his pleasure. In one blasting burst, I ran from the door, falling more than once on that unforgiving floor. I knew that if I didn’t get away quickly, there would be little to stop me from busting in and sucking him dry. My desire was honestly that high.

The fire had to be put out, and I had to do it myself or else I would end up looking like some sex-crazed nympho, when in fact I was a virgin. I didn’t want Adam to kick me out for being a perv and jumping on him while he was doing his own private thing, so I had to take matters into my own hands.

Once I was back in bed, I took my sweater off and flung it carefully onto a nearby chair, not wanting to ruin it, and then I got down to business, my legs falling open as I lay back. I took just a moment to enjoy the playful tickle of the open air on my aching pussy.