A bit cautious at first, she soon found her pace, her touch gentle but confident by the time she scrubbed my cock squeaky clean.

Once dried and dressed, we ventured into the echoing kitchen so my culinary art skills could stretch their wings.

“You cook?” Pauline asked.

“I hope so, or this gas flame is going to get dangerous.”

I could indeed cook, being taught the art at my grandma’s knee, heat and knives holding no terror.

Moving around the stark white space like a break dancer, breakfast came into being. Not knowing what Pauline liked to eat or whether she was a vegetarian, I played it safe with my specialty cheese omelets.

“What happened to your guitar?” she asked me, looking around.

The question came out of nowhere, but it was a fair enough one.

“I went back when I figured everyone would be gone and apologized profusely.”

“To the guitar?”

“Yes, I know it sounds strange, but it felt right at the time. We’ve been together for years.”

“You and your guitar?” she asked.

“Yes. Don’t you have a name for your cello?”

“Oskar,” she said quietly.

“Exactly; my guitar is Bessey.”

“That’s refreshingly old-fashioned.”

“I don’t like being predictable,” I said, with a shrug.

A switch flipped in my mind, and I had to check, dashing from the kitchen as fast as my feet could carry me.

“What’s wrong?” Pauline asked upon my return.

“Nothing,” I said happily, clutching the case to my chest like a newborn.

“Where did you go?”

“I needed to check on Bessey. Just to be sure she’s still okay.”

“I hear you playing when I came in,” she said, as we finished off the omelets, Bessey sitting on the chair beside me.

“Just something new I was trying.”

“I really liked it.”

“I’ve been working on my skills, trying to be better.”

“For me?”

“For me, but because of you.”

She seemed to ponder the point.

“I liked it the way it was; you don’t have to change for me or anyone else. It is how it is supposed to be. Play how you play and screw anyone who thinks it’s wrong.”

“People like you?” I asked, unable to resist.

“Like I was, but I think we have the screws well covered.”

“I’ve always preferred ‘boinking’ myself; it sounds more fun.”

“Screwing, boinking,” she said, coming over to my side of the table and climbing up onto my lap, “fucking. Call it what you will, all I know is I like it.”


She started first that time, the kiss as passionate as any we’d had up to that point. My hands went to her ass as though drawn by a magnet. I just couldn’t get enough of her, almost like we were making up for lost time. I’d just gotten to full attention when the phone rang.

“Leave it,” Pauline implored, as I reached for the phone.

“It might be important.”

She sighed and collapsed against me, burying her face into my neck as she ground her pussy against my erection. Cuddling her close as I could, I retrieved the phone, checking the screen.

“It’s Seth,” I said, taking the call.

“Derek, how's it going?”

“Great,” I said, giving Pauline a quiet kiss on the cheek.

“Glad to hear it. I’ve got some good news for you.”

“I always like to hear some good news.”

“I got you booked at Eventide.”

That got Pauline’s attention too, both of us perking up as the words came out of the handset.

“Did you, now?”

“Yes, indeed; it’s not for a few months but I thought I’d give you a heads up so you’re ready.”

“Much appreciated.”

I stowed the phone away and tried to stop my head from spinning. The Eventide Festival in L.A. was a big deal. Not quite Wacken Open Air, it was still nothing to sneeze at. And it was the best indication yet that we weren’t on the way to the has-been shelves.

After twenty years together, it could get to be a semi-regular fear, especially with our last album not doing quite the same numbers as those from our early years.

“Wow,” Pauline said.

“I know, right?” I said, beaming. “We should call up the guys.”

“Absolutely. But first, it seems like we have a situation here to deal with.”

She reached down and squeezed my throbbing cock to punctuate her point, letting me know she was volunteering to help out in terms of a relief effort.


Standing up and taking her with me, I bent her over the table. Once her skirt was up and her panties were down, I went to town on her sweet little cunt. I was savoring every second, shocked that any pussy could ever taste so good.

Pauline literally tasted like candy, and I loved licking her until she squirmed and screamed. Then it was time for my cock to make an appearance.

“Fuck yes,” she enthused as I slipped inside.

Getting in further than I ever had before, my cock and her pussy becoming well acquainted, I took her by the hips and started to move. I went gently at first, as to not shock her, but then I started building up to a steadier pump.