Now that Ari was safe with her aunt, Holly and I took our places seconds before the great doors parted, leaving us free to walk down the carpeted aisle, Jonna and her sister Stephanie close behind. The band members who weren’t slated to play were already positioned as groomsmen.

Ever weary of being cliché, Sven wrote his own vows, the results sounding suspiciously like a song. My love was a man of many talents, some of them hidden. I winged it, speaking from the heart, managing not to make too much of a fool of myself.

Up and out of the uncomfortable pews, it was down to the park, where Seth had arranged a bandstand. The crews were still hard at work when the first cars arrived. Thankfully the day stayed sunny, making the first dance far more pleasant.

My bare feet planted in the soft grass as Sven moved me around like I didn’t weigh a thing. His tux jacket and bowtie had been ditched back at our table, leaving him in something much closer to his usual look.

Day fading to evening, it was time for us to retire. Leaving Ari in Ashe’s capable hands, with lots of pumped breastmilk, we headed for the hotel, making sure to take our wedding presents with us.

Oh, the looks we got checking in to the bridal suite. We needed a luggage cart to get all our gifts up. The three bell boys well tipped.

Holding onto our lust, at least for a while, we got into the gifts like kids on Christmas. Paper was flying and excitement was squealing all around.

“Wow, she did it,” Sven exclaimed.

“Did what?”

It even had the shrink wrap on it, the album clearly being bought new.

“Is that—”

“Eduardo! This was his first album. Long before he came to Suspicious Activity.”

“He looks so young,” I remarked.

“Oh, he was— he wasn’t much older than you in those days. It’s a bit rough around the edges, but you can hear where he was going. What he was going to become.”

“Is it worth a lot?”

“Oh, hell yeah, in this condition I wouldn’t be surprised to get over a grand. I’m never going to sell it though.”

“Of course not.”

“I have something for you, too.”


He got the biggest box from the closest cart and brought it over to the bed.

“I’m guessing it’s not a toaster.”

“No, it’s not,” he confirmed.

Lifting the lid from the box, my breath caught as I saw all that was inside. A ball gag, two sets of padded handcuffs, a bottle of lube and, be still my heart, a butt-plug.

“Is it time?”

“It is.”

Setting the box on the floor, Sven got me onto all fours, securing my ankles one by one. Once my head was down and my ass was up, just the way he liked it, he pulled my arms behind my back, cuffing my wrists too.

Lifting my head, he popped the gag into my open and waiting mouth, securing it behind my head. Bound, gagged and vulnerable, I heard a familiar snap. The cool tip of the butt-plug pressed up against my asshole.

It wasn’t too big. Just enough to get me nice and stretched and feeling pretty comfortable in the meantime. More of a surprise was what he did with his hand while we were waiting for my ass to prepare.

Another squeeze of lube to my pussy and then parts unknown, I soon figured out it had gone to his hand, the tips of his fingers touching my opening, giving no sign of stopping. Indeed they didn’t, going in to the third knuckle and then further, his entire hand going in there with little trouble.

Lubing us both up again, he started to move. Stroking my lower back, he worked his hand inside me until I got close to squirting and it felt so good. My moans were muffled by the gag.

Carefully withdrawing his hand, he cleaned us both off with a towel designated for the purpose. Then he took the gag out, followed closely by the butt-plug, pulling out with a pop that was quickly becoming my favorite sound in the world.

Squeezing my ass to get me even more relaxed, he assumed the position behind me. He pressed the huge, warm head of his cock against my stretched-out asshole. Slow and steady, he slid in, my muscles giving way as he advanced, getting almost half his full length into me.

One hand playing with my pussy while he pulled my hair with the other, he started to move, slowly fucking the smallest of my holes, moving in me with sleek ease I hadn’t expected.

“You okay, baby?” he asked, as he worked my virgin depths.

“Yes, Master. Please, fuck me harder.”

And indeed, he did, moving on to a steady, moderate rhythm, obliterating my anal cherry as I screamed my joy. I could only hope the walls were sound-proofed.