“Come on, baby,” he whispered, lifting me from the bed once he’d re-entered the room.

My feet never touching the ground, I was lowered into the lovely bath, relaxing every muscle.

The aftercare continued, Sven lovingly washing me all over, resting things back to normal, washing me from my hair to my feet.

“Do you think you’ll be able to sit?” he asked me.

“I think so, Master.”


Once I was fluffed and dried, he dressed me in clothes that fit perfectly.

“Where did you get this?” I asked him.

“I had it special ordered and delivered. You will only wear what I give you, from now on.”

“Yes, Master.”

Taking me by the hand, not that walking was once again a possibility for me, he led me out the door and down the stairs. With anyone else, I might have felt discarded. Like he’d gotten what he wanted and was sick of me.

Sven gave no such indication, though. The feeling I got from him was more like he thought I would be more comfortable at home. I did have work in the morning.

“Master?” I asked, with all due respect.

“Yes, my pet?”

“May I ask a question?”

“Of course.”

“When may I see you again?”


At my ease, I relaxed into my seat in his car as we glided through the night, from his neighborhood to mine.

It was difficult to place him economically. He seemed to be a strange brew of working-class frugalness, and posh chic. His house and clothes contradicted his car. That could just be a matter of priorities, though.

Like a proper gentleman, Sven opened the door for me, escorting me and the e-bike from his trunk right back to my place and then making sure I was okay before leaving. I could already feel his absence, only hoping it wouldn’t last too long.

The cavernous living room turned bright under the florescence, colored lights dancing before my eyes, my ache soon subsiding.

“What time do you call this, young lady?” Gen asked me, jokingly.

I knew that she was going to have questions and that she would want to be filled in.

“Quarter to ten?” I guessed.

“Ah, right,” Gen said with a grin. “As long as you had fun.”

“Have you been waiting up for me?”

“Not on purpose. It just happened that way. I didn’t even know you were going out again, to be honest. How was it?”


“I’ll get the hot chocolate.”

That was her answer to most things, like tea in England.

It could have just been a French thing.

Once the kettle was screaming, we took our seats, the feeling a bit new, as my ass was not quite back to normal.

“How many marshmallows?” she asked.

“Surprise me.”

She brought it over and we both sipped it happily.

Since my chocolate high was hitting hard, I was at attention after my dream-like post-sex fugue state.

“Okay spill, I want details.”

“Like what?” I asked, playing coy.

“This is moi, cherie. No need to be coy. You have clearly been collared.”

My hand unconsciously went to the heart charm, still savoring the presence of it.

“I’ll take that as a yes. Of course, I’ve been around, so, is there a contract?” she asked. “Tell me you signed a contract.”

“I did: two. The most recent one tonight, right before he collared me. He is now my master.”


“Yeah,” I said, my cheeks getting warm at the memory.

“So, is it safe to assume you are no longer a virgin?”

“Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?”

“Not all of them do that. Sometimes it is all about the kink and not the other things. No penetration is a common contract clause.”

“It wasn’t with us. He’s teaching me so many things.”

“I bet.”

Her smile was sweet but also filthy, like someone in the know. I’d always known she had more experience than me, but never guessed how far it went.

The questions ended with the hot chocolate, Gen’s curiosity apparently as satisfied now as I had been earlier.

Gen was revealing some interesting facts about herself as well. We’d been roommates since our third year of college but had never really gotten into it quite so deep. It turned out she was quite the submissive, herself.

Getting to bed before I was too tired to stand, I let the night come in and carry me on to morning, when I could only hope to see Sven again after waking.

Chapter Seven – Sven

Lights glowed bright like stars in the dark, console alive with action. There were only five tracks that had been recorded out of a total of fifteen, but it was never too early to begin the process of perfection. That seemed as impossible as a unicorn, but I kept trying, every step toward ideal in the right direction.

Since my Protestant work ethic was running, the clock struck nine before I took any notice. Time was going according to my will. Reality itself could bend, if you knew how to perceive it.

The band long gone, it was down to me to make the magic happen. Slower than with Theo, it had taken five days to finish principal recording on DSM, but the results spoke for themselves.