With a hand over her mouth, her eyes still on the mirror, I slid the tiny butt-plug inside her tight ass hole.

“Leave it in until I take it out,” I said, pulling her panties back on.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good girl.”

She straightened her skirt and we left.

But I was already looking forward to what I wanted to do to her the next time I saw her.

Chapter Five – Claudia

I could feel it sitting inside me, silent and still. Intensity radiated at a low, warm thrum, still on the right side of the pleasure/pain dichotomy. It was in no way expected, but I liked to be surprised, especially in the good ways.

It was fun and sexy, having such a secret, wondering if anyone knew or even guessed. I hoped not, liking the idea of it being just for us. I’d meant it when I’d said my ass was Sven’s. It wasn’t just a parrot response.

He really could do anything he wanted to me, and I would say thank you. Partly because I did trust him so much, knowing in my bones he would never hurt me. It was a beautiful thing to feel so perfectly safe.

Time ticked a rhythm, letting me follow the beat, looking forward to the day’s end. I was anticipating seeing Sven again.

He hadn’t said I could call him ‘Master,’ but that was already the word in my head. My sweet master, looking after me like his own.

I didn’t have long until I could leave— ten minutes, fifteen at a stretch. The door closed and I fiddled the push-button lock into place. Alone behind the door, my panties were down again, the plug only making things feel better as my hand went down inside them.

Sven had worked me over only that morning, but I was becoming insatiable. A door was opening in me I’d never known had existed before. Bending over, my hand to the cool plaster, I stroked my pussy lips, my mind going where it wanted.

The first touch made me moan— light brushes across my presented cheeks. The plug was stretching me in the most delightful way. Letting it do its thing, the Sven of my fantasies started to gently tug, easing it out of me.

A familial cascade was running down my open virgin ass, across my stiff little pussy. A cool drip followed by a soft plunge, his fingers easing inside.

“Breathe, baby,” he coaxed.

I’d forgotten to do that, but soon vital oxygen was flooding my lungs as he got me ready. Flesh replaced the plug, two fingers standing in for what would be coming next.

It seemed impossible, but I should have known to never say never, since this was just my fantasy, of course. His pulsing shaft disappeared up my ass like a magic trick. Further in than physics might suggest, he started to rock, while reaching under to finger my pussy as he stroked my lower back, plunging unexplored depths as I did my best not to cum, never wanting it all to end.

Hitting my crescendo as his cum flooded me, I reconciled the change. The plug was still well in, my fingers clutching the base, two fingers from my other hand in my pussy.

Sven was nowhere to be found except in my fantasy.

The whole thing had only taken three minutes. I hurried to the bathroom to wash my hands. Then, with my panties up and my skirt down, instead of the reverse, I returned to my post, the plug still deep inside.

It seemed I had stopped just in time.

The elevator dinged and I perked up, hoping my master had come again. I was longing for him in a way that ached.

“Claudia, how are you doing?” asked a familiar but disorienting voice.

“Professor Hernandez. Good to see you here!”

“We aren’t in school, so you can call me Eduardo.”

Eduardo Candide Hernandez was the name on the contract for his last Suspicious Activity release, his handwriting as cool as the rest of him.

“Okay, what can I do for you, Eduardo?”

“Holly tells me there’s a royalty check for me.”

“Is there? I thought payments were direct deposit.”

“Oh, likely they usually are, but I put in a particular request. Paper is notoriously difficult to hack, you see.”


“Should be in the third drawer, the one with the lock. That’s where Holly kept them, anyway.”

Sure enough, the security drawer held an envelope along with the petty cash. His name was written across the front in Holly’s fine script.

“There you go.”

“Thank you kindly.”

He hadn’t even suspected what I was up to.

I guessed that I was getting good at taking the plug up my ass, giving hope for other potentials.

The time had arrived for me to leave the office when my phone dinged as if right on cue. The elevator was still yet to appear. The missive contained in the text message was brief but to the point.