“Thanks. Would you like a drink?”

“I’ve had enough, I think.”

“I meant coffee, minus Kahlua.”

“That’s probably a good idea.”

Hand under my chin, he did a quick sobriety test by making me follow his finger.

“Just checking.”

“Why, what are we going to be doing?”

“We’ll see.”

With that delicious bit of promise dangling in the air, he went to put the coffee maker on, leaving me awaiting further orders.

“Come,” he said, setting me off like a rocket.

The sweet black coffee did wonders, hitting my brain like a taser, bringing me back to full and undivided attention.

“Better?” he asked me.

“Yes, thanks.”

“Now you’re at full attention?”


“Good, let’s go to the player.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Keeping his hands to himself, he took me to a room lined with shelves, each one packed end to end, floor to ceiling with LPs. Clearly, he took his work home with him.

“A lot of them are Suspicious Activity releases. They always send them to me in Vinyl and CD. I sell the CDs because vinyl is so much better.”

I couldn’t disagree, literally or figuratively. As the first record spun, he touched me for the first time. Once he had shepherded me over to the plush leather couch, I put up no objections as I cuddled into him.

“Can I ask you something?” I asked, figuring it was good a time as any.

“Of course, anything.”

“Is it true what I heard about you and the girls at work?”

“What did you hear?”

“That you were, um, with them. In a way that they whispered about after.”

“Good whispers or bad whispers?”

“Definitely good, full of sighs and sadness, as far as I could tell, because it was over.”

“What if I said yes?”

I had to think about that one. Finally, I arrived at the only honest answer.

“I want you to do the same to me.”

“Even though you don’t know what it is?”

“Yes, it sounds amazing.”

“Rumors can be deceiving.”

“Not those rumors, not like that.”

“You know I’m a dom, right?”

“Yes, and I’m a sub. At least from what I’ve read. I’ve never actually done a power exchange, but I really want to with you. Only with you.”

“My subs don’t last long.”


“I’m not sure. We always have an agreement for how long it will last but sometimes they end it even before that. My guess is they were experimenting, just to see what it was like.”

“Did you care about them?”

“Each and every one. But only for the amount of time that I was dominating them. It doesn’t work otherwise. Like dancing without music.”

The image was vivid in my mind. His metaphor fit like a bespoke suit. I was more certain than ever.

“Will you do it to me?”

“Maybe. I need to know you really understand what will happen. Reading is one thing; living is another. In essence, you are consenting not to have control. You give yourself to me entirely and comply with anything I say or do. It can have serious consequences mentally as well as physically. Are you prepared to do that?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“We’ll see. I’d love to try it with you so I’m glad you’re willing. Stay there; don’t move until I get back.”

Taking it as a test I was determined to pass, I sat still as a statue, my hands flat against my thighs. I didn’t know when he was coming back but I realized that was probably the point. It was to show I could listen to him, obey him, and that my body could be his.

He came back about an hour later— just when I thought I was going to go crazy from curiosity and boredom— with a paper in hand. I could guess but didn’t dare hope what it might be.

“Is that—?”


“Yes, Sir.”

Sven took his place on the couch, looking very serious. I thought he might spank me, which wasn’t something I would mind, actually.

“This is a preliminary contract. It gives basic permissions that will allow me to test you. If you satisfy me and show that you are able, we will sign a longer term one. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir.”

I was flooding wet, my heart pounding out a salsa beat. The anticipation of waiting was starting to feel like torture.

Sven signed the contract and gave me the pen, and I did the same.

“Stand up,” he commanded me.

I was up so fast I nearly stumbled over. The alcohol was gone from my system and my focus was clear, but the laws of physics were still very much in force.

“Strip, slowly.”

I nodded slowly as I unbuttoned my shirt. Each inch of flesh I revealed was bringing up new fears about him not liking my large body. But then I realized he’d probably undressed me with his eyes for a long time before this, and that he’d liked what he’d seen. He wouldn’t have bothered with the contract otherwise.

“All the way,” he instructed, when I was down to only my underwear. “Bra first.”

Fighting the urge to cover with my arms as the lace cups came away, I went straight down to my panties. I dropped them down where they fell along my legs and over my feet. I focused on the action to keep me from thinking about what it meant.