Page 55 of Say You'll Marry Me

When she parted her lips over the tip of his shaft, he groaned as if in pain. His fingers wove into her wet hair and clenched. Not hard enough to hurt, but enough for her to know he struggled not to thrust deep into her mouth.

A second moan made her lift her head with mock concern. “But you do like it, right?”

He choked out a gravelly, “Yeah. I do. I just—” He sucked in a breath as she took as much of him into her mouth as she could. “Shit. I’m not going to last long if you keep that up.”

Can’t have that.

She slowly withdrew, swirled her tongue around the base of the tip, then released him. His groan could’ve been protest or relief.

Heavy lidded, brown eyes watched her every move as she reached for the box of condoms, opened one, and took her time rolling it down his thick length. The second she was done, he moved fast enough to make her squeal in surprise when he flipped her flat on her back.

He took her lips in a deep kiss as he settled his body between her legs. She lifted her knees when he eased his length inside, and gloried in the sensation of him filling her completely.

“Geezus, you’re tight.” His warm breath skimmed her ear. “You good?”

“Way better than good, Logan.”

He smiled against her neck and went in for another kiss as he moved his hips. She had no doubt it would’ve felt great with a regular condom, but the ribbing stimulated all her nerve endings and shot her pleasure straight into the O-zone so fast her head spun.

r /> She cried out his name, and as her muscles clenched around him, he moved faster, thrust harder. She rode the wave and was shocked when another crested. When he increased his pace and pushed up onto his hands for a deeper angle, she locked her legs around his waist, hanging on for the ride until he thrust one last time and went rigid with his own explosive release.

He collapsed on top of her, breath as ragged as hers, yet considerate enough not to crush her with his full weight. Eyes closed, she ran her hands up and down his back, hugging his body to hers as she relaxed in the aftermath of their…union.

She didn’t dare call it lovemaking. Her already frantic heart would read way too much into the word.

Joy slid her hand up to run her fingers through his hair, still damp from their fun in the water. He lifted his head from the crook of her neck, and she opened her eyes. The emotion in his steady gaze made her pulse stutter, and when he smiled that killer, natural smile of his, her heart nearly stopped.

He drew in a breath as he shifted onto his side. “That was…”

Amazing. Perfect. Something I want to do with you for the rest of our lives.

Out loud she said, “Better than the Ferris wheel?”

“Yes.” He paused, then added an emphatic, “Hell yes. It was like the Tilt-a-Whirl and Zipper all in one.”

Joy’s breathless laugh had nothing to do with their recent physical activity. She fingered the ring on her left hand with her thumb, and refused to let herself go down the rabbit hole. “Wow, I’m a two-fer.”

His gaze caught hers as he grinned. “You’re the whole carnival, baby.”

“You’re not so bad yourself.”

The grin disappeared. “Not so bad?”

“Well, I’m going to need a second ride to compare.” She shrugged. “Otherwise, how do I know it wasn’t just the ridges?” Logan’s mouth dropped open, and she burst out laughing. When he loomed over her, she held up her hands in surrender. “Kidding. Just kidding.”

“Kidding or not, you’ll get that second ride as soon as I recover.”



He kept his promise after going to the truck for a different kind of protection. Joy started the ride astride; Logan finished on top. Afterward, she readily admitted he didn’t need ridges to drive her crazy multiple times.

A rumble of thunder warned of the coming storm and chased them from their blanket on the shore. They got the hay home and inside before the downpour, then worked together to complete the evening ranch chores as raindrops drummed on the barn’s tin roof.

She rode with Logan in the truck to help at his place, too, before he cornered her up in the hayloft and had his way with her for a third time. Not that she was complaining, since he’d brought up the blanket and the cooler with the lunch and drinks she’d packed early that morning. The sandwiches were a bit soggy, but still good considering the growling of her empty stomach.

They’d half-dressed to eat; he in his jeans, she in her T-shirt and panties, and the coziness of the loft remained comfortable enough to linger in the semi-dark. Currently, she lay with her head pillowed on his chest, his arm around her, and his work-rough fingers trailing up and down her arm. The flipped over corner of the blanket covered the lower half of their bodies, and his caresses kept her blood at a slow simmer.