Page 71 of Say You'll Marry Me

The female voice threw him, though it shouldn’t have after Joy revealed her friend was an executive at the record label. Of course he’d have a secretary. Maybe it was more the fact she was answering on a Saturday. And sounded young.

“Ah, this is Logan Walsh.”


She didn’t know his name. Baxter wasn’t waiting for his call.

Because he was a nobody.

Stop. He called you first. He said he was impressed by the songs.

And Joy loved them.

Logan squared his shoulders and injected a note of confidence into his voice. “I’m returning Mr. Baxter’s call.” A white lie, but no one could say he didn’t try.

“He’s in a meeting right now, Mr. Walsh, but I’ll be happy to take a—”

“Give me that, squirt.” Baxter’s muffled voice overrode a girlish giggle, then boomed strong. “Is this the sonofabitch who hung up on me yesterday?”

The blunt question made him wince. “It is. And I apologize for that, Mr. Baxter. Yesterday was…a bad day.”

“Kevin, please. And I apologize for my daughter playing secretary.”

Explained the Saturday and young voice. “No problem.”

“So, yesterday sucked,” Baxter said. “How’s today so far?”

Logan relaxed enough to smile. “Better. I hope.”

“You got your head out of your ass and called me. Of course it’s better. You ready to sell me some songs?”

“I’m ready to listen to your offer.”

Kevin chuckled. “Smart man. Don’t say yes until you know what’s on the table. Tell me, what do you think of Jack Tucker releasing your song as his first single off his new record next month?”

Holy shit.

Logan dropped back into the kitchen chair in shock.

When he hung up with Kevin a half-hour later, his mind still reeled from the news that country music’s hottest star, the current entertainer of the frickin’ year, wanted his song. The contract was in the mail, Baxter told him. All he had to do was look it over, sign it, and overnight it back. He’d used the words advance, and royalties, and option to see more work.

It was amazing and unbelievable. The tightness in his chest eased a bit, though not enough to let him breathe easily. The view of his future was improving, but it wouldn’t be worth a damn if he didn’t have the most important piece.

Unfortunately, that was going to have to wait a bit.

The day dragged by until he walked into Rowdy’s a few minutes before nine p.m. and immediately homed in on Joy’s red hair. She sat at a table near the front of the band stage with Wes, Charlie and Dana, and Jenny and Grant. His already racing pulse revved even higher, forcing him to take a deep, fortifying breath.

This is it.

His palms began to sweat. Tara joined the rest of the group with a full pitcher of beer while he took an extra moment to shore up his courage. Joy laughed at something one of them said, but even from where he stood, he could see her smile fade quicker than the rest of them.

Movement up behind the drum set drew his attention. A band member getting ready, which meant the karaoke must be over. Now was the time, then. Before the band began to play.

Someone moved past, bumping his shoulder as he shifted his gaze back to Joy.

A realiz

ation hit with enough force to steal his breath again. He could go over there and tell her everything he needed to say…