Page 58 of Say You'll Marry Me

Finally, he asked, “You know ‘Toes’ by the Zac Brown Band?”

She continued to rub his tense back. “Yes. Great song.”

“Then sing it with me.”

Joy smiled, and when he started singing, she joined right in. His voice was soft at first, nearly drowned out by hers, but at about the halfway point, his unease faded and his words strengthened.

After the first song, he moved on to ‘Desperado’ by the Eagles, one of her all-time favorites, and then, ‘Country Roads’ by John Denver. That one she didn’t know, but she hummed along as he sang, until she recognized bits in the chorus.

When his fingers picked out the beginning melody to ‘The River’ by Garth Brooks, she drew in a breath of anticipation. She’d half-expected him to stop since she’d barely joined in on the last one. He sang without hesitation or self-consciousness, as if the music had taken over and he didn’t even realize her voice had gone silent.

She knew every word. The first time she’d ever heard the song, the beautiful lyrics struck a chord deep inside and spoke to her soul. To her, it was a message of hope, and optimism, and not giving up.

What did Logan hear in the words? Did he feel like his river had dried up? That he’d stood aside as the waters slipped away? Or was he satisfied with the notion the river had changed course, and he had no choice but to follow where it flowed?

She closed her eyes, letting his husky voice flow over her like a warm summer breeze. Emotion welled in her heart, and tears stung her eyes again. At the end of the song, with just the light patter of rain on the roof filling the quiet, she rose up to hug him around the neck from behind, pressing her chest to his back while laying her cheek against his.

“Thank you.”

The whispered gratitude wasn’t for the singing, but for him trusting her enough to share the music with her. Her lungs constricted with the confirmation of her earlier suspicion.

She’d fallen in love with him, and there was no going back. Would he stick around for her, or leave her, like everyone else?

Logan set aside the guitar and twisted around to lay Joy on her back. His body covered hers, the softness of his worn jeans a teasing caress as his knee rested between her bare thighs. “Did it make you want me?”

She forced a grin, pulling his head down to hers while sliding one leg up to hook over his hip. “Like you wouldn’t believe.”

“Then for you, I’ll play.”

Chapter 17

Logan smiled at June and Al across the table at Nino’s as they enjoyed their traditional Italian after dinner drink. He enjoyed watching the older couple tease each other, and with Joy’s hand on his thigh beneath the table since the chocolate chip cannoli, the Tuesday night dinner had been pretty near perfect.

Why then, was he feeling so…restless?

He switched his gaze to Joy, and underneath the draped tablecloth, threaded his fingers with hers. She squeezed his hand in response, but kept her focus on her grandpa’s story as she rested her chin in her free hand, elbow braced on the table.

A tender smile curved her mouth, and he let his gaze linger on her profile. The delicate arch of her eyebrows, long lashes, the greenish tint of her hazel eyes in the candlelight. Freckles danced across the bridge of her nose, spilling over onto her high cheekbones. The word beautiful didn’t do her justice.

His attention dropped to her lips. They’d stolen moments where they could since her grandparents returned from Milwaukee Sunday night, and yet, he still longed to lean over and kiss her again.

She was off tomorrow, so he planned to ask later if she’d like to come over for dinner. He hadn’t cooked for a woman ever, but seeing as she didn’t want anyone of importance to know they were truly together, it wasn’t like they could go out on a real date without the disguise of her grandparents.

A surge of resentment revealed the problem, he realized. Keeping things secret from her grandpa and friends was still bothering him. Especially since he’d opened up with the music when she’d asked. After the day they’d shared, he wouldn’t have been able to deny her anything.

Yet since then, there’d been a subtle distance between them he couldn’t quite pinpoint.

As Al took a sip of his limoncello, Logan noticed June look to the side and lift her hand in a wave. Following her gaze, he saw Edna and Millie two tables away with their husbands. Neither of the book club members acknowledged June’s greeting, and annoyance tightened his jaw. They didn’t like him, but that was no reason to be rude to her.

He caught Edna’s gaze and smiled at the blush that colored her face. She was definitely reliving that encounter in the pharmacy. In the interest of making her as uncomfortable as possible, he pulled Joy’s hand from beneath the table and lifted it to his mouth for a kiss just as she straightened in her seat.

Her head swung around as he pressed his lips against the back of her hand, above the knuckle where his mother’s ring graced her finger. He met her gaze, and when her lips parted slightly, he couldn’t help drawing her in for a full-contact kiss.

As his mouth met hers, it took a moment to realize she’d stiffened in his arms, not melted. He withdrew to see a blush on her cheeks to rival Edna’s. She gave him a forced smile, pulled her hand free, then turned away. He noticed June’s wide grin, and Al’s pinched eyebrows at the same time a small group approached their table on the way to be seated.

Tara and Wes, along with Charlie and Dana.