The image flashed in his imagination and sent blood rushing south in anticipation. “Well, when you put it that way, maybe I spoke too soon. You’re right—you should thank me. Multiple times.”

“I can definitely mount up for that,” she teased.

He gave a low groan at that new image. “If we were the only ones in this barn, you’d be mine right now.”

“I’m already yours. But…” She glanced around the stall, then rose way up on her tiptoes to peer out into the aisle. Meeting his gaze once more, she whispered, “If we tuck into this corner over here and keep quiet—”

“Don’t tempt me woman,” he growled before grabbing her sexy, breeches-covered ass to lift her up so she could wrap her legs around his waist.

Raine laughed softly as she leaned in to press her mouth to his, then proceeded to give him a very thorough preview of what was to come later. Fire’s nudge against the back of his head broke up the kiss and he reluctantly lowered her feet back to the ground. Later couldn’t come soon enough.

“What are you two still doing here?”

Charlie’s voice had them both turning to see her trainer at the stall door.

“I know you guys have a room, go use it already.”

Reyes left his arm around his wife as they stepped out into the aisle.

“I just wanted to make sure Fire was all settled in before we left,” Raine said.

“Well, I’ll take over for now, so you two go have fun. And Mike will be here with him tonight, so I’ll see you at the party.”

“Sounds good. Thanks.”

As Raine led him out of the barn, Reyes said, “I like Charlie and all, but he is not joining our party tonight.”

She giggled, then shot him an apologetic look. “Sorry, I didn’t get a chance to tell you yet that there’s a team celebration at nine. I kinda have to go.”

He tamped down on his disappointment. “Of course you have to go.” Because this could be a once in a lifetime experience, whereas he had her for the rest of their lives together. He was all for them taking in every moment possible.

“However…” She spun around to walk backwards in front of him while pulling her medal out from where she’d tucked it inside her shirt. Swinging it back and forth like a pendulum, she said, “We have about two hours to kill before we have to meet everyone for dinner. Got any suggestions?”

“You need a shower. You smell like horse.”

“Gee thanks.”

He flagged down a cab and held open the back door for her. “I love the smell of horse.”


“You also need a rub down after all your hard work today.”

She paused to look at him over the door, a playful glint in her hazel eyes. “You know what they say about rubdowns?”

He smiled in anticipation. “No, what do they say?”

“One good rubdown deserves another,” she quipped before sliding into the back seat.

Reyes groaned softly while silently vowing to give her the best rubdown of her life.

Approximately six weeks later

Raine reached for the door handle as Reyes put their new truck in park. She couldn’t wait to get inside.

“Whoa—hold your horses.”

She froze and turned to arch her brows at her husband of three months. “Is there a reason I have to wait?”