She gestured sharply toward the SUV like he’d asked a dumb question. “It locked up. I couldn’t turn the wheel and didn’t hit the brakes soon enough and ended up here. I know it’s stupid, but—”

Her defensive tone of voice triggered his. “I didn’t say it was stupid.”

“It’s what you were thinking.”

His fingers tightened on the handle of his cane as she glared at him. “You have no idea what I was thinking.”

“Fine.” She twisted away. “It’s what I was thinking. I’ve driven enough on bad roads to know not to panic.”

“You said it was the steering,” he reminded.

“It was. That’s why it freaked me out and threw me off.”

“Literally,” he muttered under his breath.

“I’m not a bad driver,” she insisted.

“I didn’t say that either. Stop putting words in my mouth.” Dev stepped back to bend and look under the vehicle, then checked out the back to see a hitch on the bumper. “I have a chain in the back of my truck if you want me to pull you out.”

She’d moved up beside him, but as she shifted her weight, her fancy boot slid on the incline of the ditch. He quickly reached out to steady her. Their gazes collided for a breath-stealing moment before she dipped her chin and pulled free.

“I can call the guys up at the house.”

Much as he wished he could leave it to her dad and brothers, his conscience wouldn’t let him drive away even with them only two minutes away.

Then he realized she was staring at his cane, and fury ignited that she thought he wasn’t capable. “I can pull your fucking car out of the ditch, Shelby.”

Her head jerked up, gaze narrowed. “You don’t have to swear at me, Dev.”

“Then quit looking at me like I’m crippled.”

Her eyes went wide. “I’m not.”

He leaned on his cane while raising his eyebrows. Her jaw flexed as she kept her gaze locked with his. But he could tell she wanted to look down again.

“Fine.” She crossed her arms and leaned against the back of her vehicle. “Have at it.”

After texting his brother he’d be few minutes late, he went to pull the thick chain from the back of his truck. With Shelby watching, he was hyper-conscious of every glitch in his step, especially since he had to set his cane aside to attach the chain to the hitch on his truck.

Metallic clinks brought him around to see she’d stepped forward to grab the other end to drag to her vehicle. When he realized he’d paused to check out the fit of her jeans as she bent over by the hitch, he shook his head before joining her to make sure the chain was secure.

“Go ahead and get in your vehicle,” he instructed once he was sure it would hold. “Just put it in neutral and keep the wheels straight. I should be able to pull you right out.”

A few minutes later, he had her vehicle back on the road, and got out of his truck to disconnect the chain once more. Shelby unhooked it from her hitch and met him halfway to hand it over. Being a member of a close-knit team for nine years where everyone pulled their weight had him grudgingly impressed with her willingness to help and not simply leave it to him. He’d seen the way she grew up—the Diamond kids hadn’t been spoiled brats, but they certainly hadn’t wanted for anything, either.

“Maybe you could drive my car?” she suggested. “It seems to be running okay, but the steering is still nearly impossible.”

“You’re good to drive my truck?”


“All right. I’ll meet you there. I was on my way to pick up Reyes, anyway.”

“Thank you.”

He gave a curt nod, and they switched vehicles. At the last minute, curiosity had Dev popping her hood. He checked a few things before slamming the hood once more. Shelby was getting out of his truck again, and he motioned h

er back inside.