He urged her up for a kiss, then rolled her over onto her back, the full length of his warm, naked body covering hers. “Wanna have sex again?”

“Yes.” Then she reconsidered. “After dinner.”

Chapter 27

Monday morning, Dev dropped Shelby off at the animal hospital and then killed a couple hours running errands before driving to the courthouse for Neil Truman’s arraignment. Shelby had decided against going, but he wanted to be there when her stalker was put away.

It had been nice to have the weekend off, so to speak. With Truman in jail, they’d been able to relax enough to enjoy the past two days. When they finally dragged their butts out of bed each day, they’d gone for a run/bike ride—she ran while he rode the bike to avoid overdoing it on his leg.

Every day they practiced her self-defense she got better at kicking his ass. Which he was fine with now that she kissed every place she hit—and plenty of places she didn’t. Because, like with the self-defense, and he guessed with anything she did, she was a fast study. She was also very thorough, taking her time to explore so she could learn what he liked and what he didn’t.

When it came to Shelby, there wasn’t much he didn’t. She figured out pretty quick how to drive him to crazy, and had employed her new-found knowledge numerous times over the weekend.

Which had more than made up for his one source of anxiety the past three days—telling their families. He’d called his parents before the Diamond family brunch yesterday, and they’d expressed nothing but support and happiness. After seeing them at their dinner the other night, his mom admitted she wasn’t even surprised.

Shelby’s family, on the other hand, had his stomach tied in knots when they gaped in surprise after she announced they were together as a couple. However, Celia quickly popped up

with a happy congratulations and hug for both of them, which spurred everyone else into action. Her dad’s welcome had been markedly reserved, but he’d had to excuse himself for a conference call at the end of the meal, so Dev didn’t get the chance to speak with him privately before he and Shelby left again.

As he walked up the steps of the courthouse, his gut tightened at the sight of the senator approaching from the opposite direction, his personal protection detail on his heels.

“Morning, sir.”

Mark gave a terse nod without correcting him on the formality. A quick word to his detail allowed Dev to fall into step beside him.

Halfway up the stairs, her dad shot him a sideways glance. “Shelby not want to come, or did you make her stay home?”

He bit back a snort at the ‘make her’ bit. “It was her choice. She said she’d rather work and do something productive.”

The senator nodded.

The obvious chill radiating from the man had him clenching his jaw with resolve. As they reached the top step, he asked, “May I have a minute before we go inside?”

The senator stopped so abruptly Dev had to turn back to face him. Mark dropped any pretense of politeness as he crossed his arms and glared at him.

Knowing exactly the reason for his anger, he got straight to the point. “I didn’t act on my feelings for Shelby until after Truman was caught. Her safety was my one and only priority the entire time.”

“And what exactly are your feelings for her?”

“I love her,” he stated without hesitation. “I’ve loved her for years.”

Mark’s gaze narrowed. “You’re going to need to explain that a little better, son. You’ve been gone for years.”

“I stayed away because she was too young.” A slight ache in his left knee had him shifting his stance as he bit back a grimace. “And once she was old enough, it wouldn’t have been fair to put her though the worry of wondering if I’d come back every time I left on a mission.”

Some of the stiffness left the senator’s expression.

“Now that I’m out and have gotten to know the amazing woman she’s become, I love her even more.”

“So this isn’t just a quick little fling after being forced together this past week?”

“No, sir. I promise you, I’d never do that to her.”

Mark stared him down for a long moment before conceding with a slight nod of his head. “I respect you, Dev. Always have. And I trust you—otherwise I wouldn’t have put her life in your hands. So as long as you treat her right, we’re good.”

Relief finally allowed a brief smile. “Thank you, sir.”

“Mark.” The senator reached out and clapped him on the shoulder, then started inside once more. “Come on, let’s get in there.”